US Elections (& Politics) :)

In order to get the h-e-l-l out of NY...

“The plan can be summed up quite simply: We are DUMPING New York, and we are pursuing plans to reincorporate the NRA in Texas,”
LOL, you guys kill me man. I've debated republican friends and family for a very very long time. There's nothing I can say that will change your mind and vise versa, I know. So I spoke my mind and there you have it. Rock on- peace. I just lost a close friend to covid- stay safe out there. Seriously- stay fucking safe out there.
Wow such a brilliant DEBATE you laid out before us. LOL And you didn't even use the typical liberal intellectual ideas that Trump is a "Dictator" and a "Nazi", and above all a "Racist". LOL
Erase and Criminalize

  • There is a concerted effort to tar every Trump supporter with the brush of Capitol mob protester. That is a lie. It is deliberate and malicious. It is a plan to intimidate and silence.
  • Facebook is purging all content referencing "stop the steal" — although there is ample evidence of voting irregularities and cause for election reform. Twitter is suspending and expelling hundreds of thousands of users. President Trump is among them. Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei, who leads public cheers of "Death to America!", is not.
  • Trump gave a speech stating: "if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore." That remark is supposed to qualify as "incitement to insurrection." What a pathetic, transparent lie! Think of the number of times innumerable politicians have invoked "fight" to express encouragement for active public policy engagement. We "fight" for healthcare, justice, human rights, entitlements, civil rights — even peace.
  • The criminality of Hillary's outlaw email server, the phony Russia Hoax, the fake Ukraine Impeachment, FISA Warrant abuse, the politically contaminated and compromised FBI — that all gets a "pass" — but Trump telling supporters to fight for their country — THAT is impeachable?
  • Biden did not win in a landslide. Many feel disenfranchised.


(Image source: iStock)
Welcome to America's Cultural Revolution.

China's Cultural Revolution (1966-76) sought to purge remnants of impure non-Maoist thoughts from Chinese society and economy. It was a radical period of persecution.

We are witnessing and experiencing a perverse and dangerous effort to purge America of all things Trumpian — but more importantly — the conservative, traditional values of millions of Americans. It is not only about erasure, but criminalization. Ordinary Americans who support President Trump — and at least 75 million that voted for him — are being targeted with a barrage of efforts to sensationalize and marginalize their beliefs. The professional political and media classes of America's East and West Coasts are striking hard and fast to eliminate Trump. There is a concerted effort to tar every Trump supporter with the brush of Capitol mob protester. That is a lie. It is deliberate and malicious. It is a plan to intimidate and silence.

Facebook is purging all content referencing "stop the steal" — although there is ample evidence of voting irregularities and cause for election reform. Twitter is suspending and expelling hundreds of thousands of users. President Trump is among them. Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei, who leads public cheers of "Death to America!", is not. There is little or no public criticism of the big social media corporations' censorship.

The protests of January 6, 2020 were gravely marred by the sad and unnecessary deaths of five Americans. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick's death is tragic. So is the death of unarmed Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt. Other "public" deaths in the last nine months have resulted in huge public protests and cities such as Portland burning for weeks. No such reaction to the Sicknick and Babbitt deaths. One wonders why. Where are Antifa and BLM now? Why so quiet? No justice, no peace! — right? Maybe not.

Meanwhile, many are clamoring for Donald Trump's immediate removal from office. Trump gave a speech stating: "if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore." That remark is supposed to qualify as "incitement to insurrection." What a pathetic, transparent lie! Think of the number of times innumerable politicians have invoked "fight" to express encouragement for active public policy engagement. We "fight" for healthcare, justice, human rights, entitlements, civil rights — even peace.
The hypocrisy is breathtaking — and dangerous. Trump supporters are supposed to be rhetorically beaten into silent submission, erased from public discourse, and subject to a new sort of bill of attainder, criminalizing all they believe in and support — because Trump succeeded in disrupting official Washington DC, but was not quite savvy enough to win a second term.

The criminality of Hillary's outlaw email server, the phony Russia Hoax, the fake Ukraine Impeachment, FISA Warrant abuse, the politically contaminated and compromised FBI — that all gets a "pass" — but Trump telling supporters to fight for their country — THAT is impeachable?

For some people, even raising these points for discussion is "scary." They would rather "wait for things to settle down," or "see how the inauguration and the opening days of the new administration go," before raising objections to the bulldozing of Trump supporters' civil rights. Well, that is too little and too late. Many critics are overplaying their hands. They sense weakness and seek to snuff out, permanently, any idea that Trumpism could manifest itself again on the American political landscape. It's time to institute the Uniparty and get consensus. They want to roll the clock back and return to the old rules of the DC game. They are even having an "event" to symbolize it. Ironically, it is a wreath-laying at Arlington Cemetery featuring The Establishment. Everything and everyone Trump fought against. Former presidents of both parties. There are many Americans who want nothing to do with those former presidents and what they represent. Biden did not win in a landslide. Many feel disenfranchised. Erasing and criminalizing those Americans will only exacerbate the deep divisions in America.
Chris Farrell is a former counterintelligence case officer. For the past 20 years, he has served as the Director of Investigations & Research for Judicial Watch. The views expressed are the author's alone, and not necessarily those of Judicial Watch.
See, here's the problem.

Liberals see a headline on Twatter or Farcebook put out by the Junta and/or deranged MSM, and call it fact forever with little or no investigating the actual story themselves. That would require work, effort.

Then a few days goes by and the adults actually look into said headline and find, it might just be bullshit. But the liberal never gets there in his head, because the echo chamber of Twatter and Farcebook must be right, right?

US Official Refutes Arizona Prosecutors' Claims About Rioters Plans To "Capture & Assassinate" Politicians | ZeroHedge

Having already seen DHS refute the FBI's fearmongering over "online chatter", noting that there were in fact "no credible threats," the top Federal prosecutor has just been forced to refute what appears be lies about strong evidence about assassination squads in The Capitol by Arizona state prosecutors.
Having made every mainstream media's news-cycle today, and done a great job of ratcheting up the fear to '11':
Bullshit. I'm a Democrat and when my lips move they're not lying. I've watched this lunacy in this thread for a while. In the words of my republican friends in 2016-

Fuck you, you lost
Stop whining like a little bitch
You lost, get the fuck over it
Take your ball and glove and go the fuck home
America spoke, you fucking lost

I like a number of you guys in this thread and you're helpful and generous with your time and knowledge about all things cctv. But man, it's like alter egos in here from the same people. The truth is, YOU'VE been lied to. There was no steal to stop. Americans spoke in a free and fair election and trump lost. Two republican senators lost. The dems hold all three for a reason. Republicans lost. Republican judges across the country concluded the same thing. It's that simple. And because people can't get the fuck over it, we're at this insane place now. I don't agree with everything the democratic party does either. I'm not blind to the sell out of the entire system by both parties. But in this instance, a truly evil POS president had to go. I would have voted for Biden if he was embalmed in a coffin just to get rid of trump... and so did the majority of Americans... and of course Biden mostly looks as though a coffin isn't that far off either. But there it is, so get the fuck over it. You'll keep your guns and all the other shit you think is gonna get fucked by democrats. In two years you can vote some more and four years vote again. But make no mistake, you got fucked this time by trump. That's who fucked you over, not some lie about an illegal stolen election. Please, lol. Be a republican. But don't prop up a fuck head who never gave a shit if you lived or died, to this day. It's all about him, not you. Let it, and him, go.

So who will really be running the country under a Biden administration? Why is President Trump evil in your mind?
Nolte: Rasmussen Poll Shows No Slip in Support for President Trump

On January 5, President Trump’s job approval rating with Rasmussen was 47 percent. Today, the president’s job approval is 48 percent.
The attack on Capitol Hill took place on January 6. Since then, there has been more than a week of 24/7, highly-coordinated media hysteria attacking the president as a traitor, as guilty of sedition, of being criminally liable for leading a violent coup against the United States of America … and his job approval rating is up a point.
Don’t pay any attention to media pollsters. Please don’t. They’re all crap. All liars. All proven liars who have been deceiving and lying to you for at least three election cycles. Rasmussen is one of the few pollsters you can trust, so when Rasmussen tells us Trump’s support has not slipped, you can not only believe it, you are offered the opportunity to wonder why.
The main reason why is that corporate media no longer have the power to sway public opinion. Look at what’s going on out there right now. You not only have the fake media accusing Trump of sedition and of starting a riot, you have all of Hollywood climbing on board and the Democrat Party impeaching him (again).
Trump was just impeached a second time, and his job approval rating hasn’t budged.

Nolte: Rasmussen Poll Shows No Slip in Support for President Trump (

My comment: I fully support President Trump.
Let's see. Parler was "canceled" because they promote violence on a forum similar to Twatter. There are threats of violence being made online, according to the "top men" at the FBI. Where are these threats being made now that Parler is gone? Can we all say Twatter together and I'll bet they are actually ANTIFA and BLM people behind those accounts that are.
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Both parties are fucking up Americans hard in a$$, the rinos and socialists can go fk themselves.

Cant argue with you there. I plan on registering as an Independent, something I never thought Id hear myself say..
Bullshit. I'm a Democrat and when my lips move they're not lying. I've watched this lunacy in this thread for a while. In the words of my republican friends in 2016-

Fuck you, you lost
Stop whining like a little bitch
You lost, get the fuck over it
Take your ball and glove and go the fuck home
America spoke, you fucking lost

I like a number of you guys in this thread and you're helpful and generous with your time and knowledge about all things cctv. But man, it's like alter egos in here from the same people. The truth is, YOU'VE been lied to. There was no steal to stop. Americans spoke in a free and fair election and trump lost. Two republican senators lost. The dems hold all three for a reason. Republicans lost. Republican judges across the country concluded the same thing. It's that simple. And because people can't get the fuck over it, we're at this insane place now. I don't agree with everything the democratic party does either. I'm not blind to the sell out of the entire system by both parties. But in this instance, a truly evil POS president had to go. I would have voted for Biden if he was embalmed in a coffin just to get rid of trump... and so did the majority of Americans... and of course Biden mostly looks as though a coffin isn't that far off either. But there it is, so get the fuck over it. You'll keep your guns and all the other shit you think is gonna get fucked by democrats. In two years you can vote some more and four years vote again. But make no mistake, you got fucked this time by trump. That's who fucked you over, not some lie about an illegal stolen election. Please, lol. Be a republican. But don't prop up a fuck head who never gave a shit if you lived or died, to this day. It's all about him, not you. Let it, and him, go.
It sounds like you are not over it.
Why are you so depressed?
As the song goes, "Your lips move but don't understand what you are saying"

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
Nolte: Rasmussen Poll Shows No Slip in Support for President Trump

On January 5, President Trump’s job approval rating with Rasmussen was 47 percent. Today, the president’s job approval is 48 percent.
The attack on Capitol Hill took place on January 6. Since then, there has been more than a week of 24/7, highly-coordinated media hysteria attacking the president as a traitor, as guilty of sedition, of being criminally liable for leading a violent coup against the United States of America … and his job approval rating is up a point.
Don’t pay any attention to media pollsters. Please don’t. They’re all crap. All liars. All proven liars who have been deceiving and lying to you for at least three election cycles. Rasmussen is one of the few pollsters you can trust, so when Rasmussen tells us Trump’s support has not slipped, you can not only believe it, you are offered the opportunity to wonder why.
The main reason why is that corporate media no longer have the power to sway public opinion. Look at what’s going on out there right now. You not only have the fake media accusing Trump of sedition and of starting a riot, you have all of Hollywood climbing on board and the Democrat Party impeaching him (again).
Trump was just impeached a second time, and his job approval rating hasn’t budged.

Nolte: Rasmussen Poll Shows No Slip in Support for President Trump (

My comment: I fully support President Trump.
So don't pay attention media pollsters? And you post a link to BREITBART!! LOLOLOL! OMG, too funny. Therein lies the problem folks. Your 'proof' is built on a foundation of lies piled one on top of the other. Believe me, behind closed doors they laugh at how easy it is to mislead for the sake of hanging onto their own power. Scores, millions of people vote against their very own interests all the time because of this. Conservative media putting shit in print doesn't make it so. Backing up facts with more conservative media 'facts' doesn't prove a point, unless it's in line with what you want to hear and then it becomes your 'facts'. And what you want to hear is all you seek out- all you wanna find in a hurry to believe as truth. What is the truth(s)? Fuck that- I'm not gonna waste my time on a group that will never, ever, ever, ever change their minds. Been there done that. It never changes minds. If you care enough you can begin to unravel the lies. But you're not gonna get there through Hannity, Tucker, breitbart and conservative talk radio. That's not gonna get you there man. That's gonna KEEP you there, not get you anywhere close to reality. I will give you a source to help temper real facts-

There's tons of good reading there. Bookmark it- read it. It can help weed through the bullshit. But I'll wager many of you will say THAT is bullshit, lol.

FACT- trump lost fair and square no matter how many people voted for him. More people didn't.
FACT- You'll keep your guns in the next 4 years. No one is after your 2nd amendment rights.
FACT- all the anti socialists took the previous stimulus money, 1,200, 600, and maybe the next 2k. When the it works for you, hands outstretched. Let's please be real about that one.
FACT- you'll never be swayed. It's ok- that's what THEY want. If I play you a shit song enough'll will hum it.
I think you have a reading comprehension problem.

The article was about RASMUSSEN- a legit pollster who's been more accurate than most for a long time. There is no lie involved here, he was pointing you to facts. The Rasmussen poll shows Trump has lost little or no support. This isnt a hard thing.

And I dont see a single argument about a specific point in your entire diatribe.

And PS- is not an authority on anything.
See, here's the problem.

Liberals see a headline on Twatter or Farcebook put out by the Junta and/or deranged MSM, and call it fact forever with little or no investigating the actual story themselves. That would require work, effort.

Then a few days goes by and the adults actually look into said headline and find, it might just be bullshit. But the liberal never gets there in his head, because the echo chamber of Twatter and Farcebook must be right, right?

US Official Refutes Arizona Prosecutors' Claims About Rioters Plans To "Capture & Assassinate" Politicians | ZeroHedge

Having already seen DHS refute the FBI's fearmongering over "online chatter", noting that there were in fact "no credible threats," the top Federal prosecutor has just been forced to refute what appears be lies about strong evidence about assassination squads in The Capitol by Arizona state prosecutors.
Having made every mainstream media's news-cycle today, and done a great job of ratcheting up the fear to '11':

Another example

Factcheck anyone? Call the DC Capitol Police, they can confirm (Oh, and Bloomberg)

Rush To Judgment On Trump? Multiple Leftists Arrested For Capitol Riot | ZeroHedge

Even the press is starting to notice that the pieces aren't fitting together. Rather than a picture of all wicked and crazed Trump supporters, charging the Capitol, leftist news outfit Bloomberg reported that its survey of various parties involved, including those who died or were arrested, didn't paint the desired picture. Conclusion?
Many of those shown in news footage had no party affiliation and voted sporadically, if at all.