US Elections (& Politics) :)

Thanks to everyone. As I post this I’m in the parking lot of the ER. I’m hoping it’s just a matter of them cranking an IV and rehydrating her. She was out of her mind a bit so I’m assuming it was dehydration which amplified the diabetes. Sorry to continue posting on this thread, just wanted to give an update. 103 temp and she never runs fever. Please continue prayers my friends.

Hang in there buddy. Prayers sent your way. You’re a good man.
And Larry Elder's recent movie Uncle Tom.

I finally had the opportunity to see Uncle Tom today and it was all I hoped it would be knowing the kind of man Larry Elder is. I needed something uplifting in these dark times and Larry Elder and these brave men and women that love this country did give me a needed lift.
I finally had the opportunity to see Uncle Tom today and it was all I hoped it would be knowing the kind of man Larry Elder is. I needed something uplifting in these dark times and Larry Elder and these brave men and women that love this country did give me a needed lift.
You have to go direct to watch it. As the Liberal Free Speech Guardians won't host it on the normal venues.
Just a quick update. My mom was diagnosed with pneumonia. She is being transported to the main branch of the hospital a few miles from where we took her. Her o2 seemed ok sitting or laying but dropped when they walked her. Bc of that they were able to find pneumonia. I think they will be able to put her on oxygen and observe her. I’m hoping that is good news bc they ruled out the ventilator for now. She will be in the COVID wing and they will be treating her there. Unfortunately the hospital is locked down and we can’t see her. Communication by phone only. But she was coherent enough to know she was being transported and she was able to call us a couple of times; talked a little loopy but happy she was able to remember how to dial and work the phone.
Thanks to all for allowing me to post here. I appreciate your concerns and your prayers; I just ask that you continue to do so. Hopefully we will find a silver lining here. For a group I have never met, you folks are the greatest. Thanks again to all and God bless.
This picture points out another example of liberal democrat hypocrisy, but I'm posting it to illustrate a general point. Some time ago I realized that with liberal democrats what defines good and bad is not what it is, but rather who is doing it.
Breaking Up With The Left
In line with the civil discussion bit at the beginning of this thread, I have to say I think you a lot of the US have it wrong about Socialism. Socilaism doesn't equal communism and there's a reason why socialists get elected in the EU countries so often.

For a start, take a look at Britains Health Care System. OK not as nice or fast as going private (paying for it). However, there's no cost, no insurance premiums no nothing. Everything is free. Need a doctor, ring up and make an appointment, no charge. Need an operation? Get sent to a specialist and both his care and the OP completely free including the hospital stay. Private is nicer but for those with lots of money, you still have that option for nicer hospitals and faster treatment.

There are downsides to socialism as well, but from what I've seen during your elections, US citiziens have been brought up with a fear of Socialism as the great evil when in the majority it's anything but. Yes the extreme left wing, are a different matter, but they're a minority and I'm sure you have the odd extreme left winger / communist in the US. However, as a whole socialism is about caring for others in society and the Government looking after people not communism and the vast majority of citizens benefit from at least some socialist principles.

As many are finding out in the UK from Covid, being wealthy is fine until you're not. It sounds great paying the unemployed next to nothing and viewing them as lazy idiots until you become oine yourself, whether it's through bad luck or Covid. Only then do you realise the inadequacies of a system where 1/2 of society gets next to nothing. Same with healthcare. Fine whilst you can afford your insurance premiums, but very different when you're dying and can't afford the operation or treatment you need, and I know for a fact many in the US with cancer have found themselves in that position when faced with years ofd expensive drugs. The NHS isn't perfect, far from it, but at least a prescription for medication whilst paid for is fixed at around £9 per item and you can pay a fixed yearly fee of just over £100 to have unlimited prescriptions. Very different to having a personal drug bill of £10k a month for the latest cancer wonder drug which can cripple someone in the US even on a good wage.