US Elections (& Politics) :)

I don't know what's wrong with yet another peaceful protest in Tacoma. We all know that BLM and ANTIFA are always peacefully protesting. Just ask Schumer, Nadler, et al.

We need to get the Marines online and sweep the entire town. It's the Only WAY to be sure......NO ROE'S! :)
I am going to take a line from those that really don't like China and apply it to Joe Biden..

We need to get the Marines online and sweep the entire town. It's the Only WAY to be sure......NO ROE'S! :)

If we leave it to the Fasocrats it'll be more like "Send in the Clowns".
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Biden has is own Cheer-leading company now....what a bunch of asses... So correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Joe Biden:

A. Catholic
B. Pro Abortion / Pro Roe vs. Wade?

Yes, I know the answers.....

Concha calls out NY Times for serving as 'extension' of Biden admin with report on president's faith
The paper is serving as ‘extension’ of Biden communications team, Concha said

'The New York Times described President Biden as "perhaps the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century" in a story published Saturday.'
Biden has is own Cheer-leading company now....what a bunch of asses... So correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Joe Biden:

A. Catholic
B. Pro Abortion / Pro Roe vs. Wade?

Yes, I know the answers.....

Concha calls out NY Times for serving as 'extension' of Biden admin with report on president's faith
The paper is serving as ‘extension’ of Biden communications team, Concha said

'The New York Times described President Biden as "perhaps the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century" in a story published Saturday.'

Fascist liberal “progressive” Democrats. Guessing they couldn’t get real jobs and we’re probably the kids in high school/college who couldn’t get laid.
'The New York Times described President Biden as "perhaps the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century" in a story published Saturday.'
That NYT piece is absolutely amazing. In particular "...President Biden, perhaps the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century, speaks of how his Catholic faith grounds his life and his policies. "

After I got up off the floor, it is so apparent to me how this calls into question the validity of anything I've ever read in the NYT in the past. And it never ceases to amazes me how people lap that crap up and not taste a hint of the Kool Aid.
Ok, ok, I can't help it, here are a few more. I'll thumbnail them into one post so that you can skip them more easily if they don't amuse you...
They're ALL good, especially the drug sniffing dog at Hunter's! :love:
Krystal and Saagar: Biden On Day 3 Says NOTHING We Can Do About COVID Trajectory

The Hill
BREAKING: Author of "Joe Biden Unauthorized" Says He's Seen a 50% Decline in Joe Biden's Mental Capacity

Joe Biden’s cognitive decline is no laughing matter. An expert claims he is half way gone.

We saw earlier this year how Joe Biden had no idea what was going on. He thought he heard birds or rain and asked the reporters at his campaign ‘rally’ to come in from the rain and they all looked at each other because they were indoors. You could see that they all were very uncomfortable but they said nothing because they would lose their jobs if they did.

Well, at least he has something in common with his supporters...
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BREAKING: Author of "Joe Biden Unauthorized" Says He's Seen a 50% Decline in Joe Biden's Mental Capacity

Joe Biden’s cognitive decline is no laughing matter. An expert claims he is half way gone.

We saw earlier this year how Joe Biden had no idea what was going on. He thought he heard birds or rain and asked the reporters at his campaign ‘rally’ to come in from the rain and they all looked at each other because they were indoors. You could see that they all were very uncomfortable but they said nothing because they would lose their jobs if they did.

Well, at least he has something in common with his supporters...
And to think he's actually sitting behind the Resolute Desk. Heaven help us all.
It’s ok, when the cameras are off they put a bib on him and take away any sharp objects.

Now if they could just keep him from eating the crayons...
Employees of tech companies in San Francisco, California, can’t leave the city fast enough, fleeing for the potential tech hubs of tomorrow such as Austin, Texas, and Miami, Florida. One former San Francisco exec said: “what else can God and the world and government come up with to make the place less livable?”

Their work in SF is finished. Time to move on and destroy the next city like a good swarm of democrats locusts.

Tech Workers Flee San Francisco