US Elections (& Politics) :)

It may be time for some cancelling toward the other side. How many woke liberals are going to need some plumbing work, appliance repair, auto repair, etc? I'm sure they don't want to associate with those deplorables to have their standards of living supported, right? Maybe it's time they only use sophisticated, woke, like minded companies to provide these services for them.

How long do you think the Fuckerberg types can go without electricity in their house or without someone to fix their transmission?
If you have school age children or grand children, pull them out of public schools now.

The liberal NAZI "progressive' Democrat hypocrites aren't even trying to hide their sick twisted indoctrination of school children any longer. Teachers unions, long a place where misfits and socially inept freaks have been allowed to hide under cover of legitimacy, are completely morally and ethically bankrupt.
(yes I'm aware there are a few good teachers left out there, but they're way outnumbered)

Along with the obvious communist brainwashing of young kids, the goal is to continue to destroy what little is left in Illinois education with regards to teaching, give all kids a participation trophy so that the lazy Union teachers dont have to actually work for a living, and continue to destroy the finances of Illinois with their overpaid salaries and retirement benefits.

Compulsory Political Ideology for Illinois K-12 Teachers And Classrooms Moves Closer To Finalization – Wirepoints | Wirepoints

...The rule, proposed by the Illinois State Board of Education, is called the Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards, or CRTL Standards. It will get final ratification on February 16 unless heavy opposition materializes.

As you will see, it’s no exaggeration to say the standards would tell teachers what they must think, believe and teach – in broad political terms — and they would disqualify teachers who don’t conform.

On the surface, the CRTL Standards might appear to be only about required teaching of critical race theory – alleged systemic racism, gender discrimination, systems of oppression, white supremacy, etc – centering on a requirement to be a “culturally responsive teacher.”

But each section of the rule starts by saying what a culturally responsive teacher will do. A few examples:

  • Mandatory counterculture curriculum. The culturally responsive teacher, the standards say, will “co-create content to include a counternarrative to dominant culture.”
  • Training students to be progressive activists. Culturally responsive teachers and leaders, the standards say, will “Research and offer student advocacy and activism content with real world implications and [h]old high expectations in which all students can participate and lead as student advocates or activists.” Teachers are also encouraged to substitute “social justice work” or “action civics projects” for more traditional forms of testing when deciding on a student’s grade.
  • Required thinking for teachers. The “culturally responsive teacher and leader will,” according to the standards, “engage in reflection about their own actions and interactions and what ideas motivated those actions,” and “explore their own intersecting identities, how they were developed, and how they impact daily experience of the world.” Teachers must “assess their biases and perceptions” about, among other things, “unearned privilege, Eurocentrism, etc.”

The first and most obvious problem is that the standards would force dogmatic answers to what indeed are some of our country’s most-heavily debated topics.

More importantly, compulsory answers on those topics necessarily imply compulsory viewpoints on broader political matters. As Kurtz put it, “the concept of systemic oppression detects racism and bigotry in almost every conservative policy position, from the environment to the budget. That means teachers who want to get and keep their licenses in Illinois have got to be full-spectrum progressives.”

Hoffman’s op-ed focused on the distraction away from what is a crisis at hand in many schools:

Consider that in 2019, only 37% of Illinois third graders could demonstrate grade-level proficiency in English-language arts and only 41% could demonstrate grade-level proficiency in math. In this same year, the Illinois General Assembly eliminated the basic skills test required for all teachers in Illinois, which assessed basic content understanding and application of core academic areas such as math and literacy.

With these new proposed standards in place, a teacher in Illinois will need not demonstrate competency in their basic knowledge of academic material but will have to demonstrate knowledge in concepts that are not only contentious but push an overtly political ideology outside the mainstream of the social and cultural debate.

*More on the Democrat Communist NAZI scum that control the eduation system
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Dementia Joe got all of 2200 live viewers of his major policy speech (telling us all we're depraved racists) that was streamed live today

Fake voters apparently dont watch Youtube
BIDEN has another BRAIN FREEZE and signs of DEMENTIA

Even with the help of teleprompters, BIDEN cannot hide his physical deterioration. The statements he reads sound like desperate attempts to show he can be a tough guy too, but at 77 years of age, he barely makes sense.

Things are only going to get worse. I gave him one year at the most. With all the pressure that the Presidency brings I believe it will happen sooner. Can you say President Harris and Vice President Pelosi. What a friggen nightmare for our country.
Video: White House Can’t Answer Why Biden Removed EO To Keep China Out of US Power Grid

President Donald Trump signed an executive order on May 1 last year prohibiting bulk power system equipment from foreign companies in the U.S. grid, citing security concerns.
The U.S. Department of Energy noted that under the current rules, contracts are awarded to the lowest bidder when it comes to bulk power system procurement, and that creates a “vulnerability that can be exploited by those with malicious intent.”
U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette said that it is imperative that “the bulk-power system be secured against exploitation and attacks by foreign threats.”
Analysts believe this means that the United States will set up a whitelist for the procurement of such equipment. Although the order did not name any specific country, observers say China and Russia are the two main countries most capable of posing a threat to the U.S. power grid.
Well, we have a new President now and it seems that he doesn’t have the same stance as former President Trump.
Joe Biden just hours after his inauguration effected an immediate freeze on several Trump-era deregulatory actions that directly affect the power sector, and revoked a long list of rules and executive actions affecting the bulk power system.
At the Department of Energy (DOE), the action pivotally halts rulemaking through which the agency would have limited procurement of bulk power system equipment sourced from adversary nations. Executive Order 13920 of May 1, 2020 (Securing the United States Bulk-Power System), is “effectively suspended for 90 days,” says one of the many executive orders issued on Wednesday. “The Secretary of Energy and the Director of [Office of Management and Budget] shall jointly consider whether to recommend that a replacement order be issued.”
During the last press conference, the White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked why Biden removed the EO that kept China out of the U.S. power grid and she couldn’t explain why Biden revoked the executive order.
Q Thanks, Jen. In an executive order that the President signed last week, he also suspended a Trump administrative — administration executive order that was particularly aimed at keeping foreign countries, specifically China, from interfering in the U.S. power grid. But he suspended that for 90 days in that executive order last week. Given what you said about China today, why did he do that, especially related to something so critical to our national security as the power grid?
MS. PSAKI: I’ll have to — I think the President’s view on our relationship with China I tried to do my best to convey to all of you. I’ll have to check on that specific piece, and we’ll — we’ll circle back with you directly.

Video: White House Can't Answer Why Biden Removed EO To Keep China Out of US Power Grid - Conservative US
FYI - good analysis...

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