US Elections (& Politics) :)

Never let a good false victim story go to waste

UhOh... Joe’s in deep shit now.
The one liberal force that the Left fears most and can take him out, is pissed and coming for him.


Is It just me, or does it look like a pidgin pooped on her shoulder?

"I mean, I left my job on Suits!!!!" LOL
I have only watched this video about this interview plus have seen a few 10 second clips from it. But the thing that strikes me is the fake facial expressions and reactions of Oprah. She tries to react like this is the first I have heard of this. Like the three of them never sat down and discussed what would be said and what would be covered. There is no way that Oprah would have done a cold interview with them. She knew exactly what would be said and when it would be said. They are friends for god's sake.
Future leaders of our country....

Obviously, grades mean nothing nowadays. Nice gesture on the student's part, misplaced though it is. I guess it is a sign that the indoctrination towards socialism is working.

The biggest injustice the school system can do to a student, is artificially prop up their grades, promote them when they did not earn it, so that they are set up for failure in the future.
Obviously, grades mean nothing nowadays. Nice gesture on the student's part, misplaced though it is. I guess it is a sign that the indoctrination towards socialism is working.

The biggest injustice the school system can do to a student, is artificially prop up their grades, promote them when they did not earn it, so that they are set up for failure in the future.

You mean a 0.13GPA isn't passing....

Only a Marxocrat source like MSN can publish absolute BS like that and be so sanctimonious about it. #BlueANON #SuperStraight
Why would anyone want a summary let alone pay any attention to those self serving aristo-marxocrats beats me.
Watch your mail in box

Just wanted to let you know - today I received my 2021 Social Security Stimulus Package.

It contained two tomato seeds, cornbread mix, two discount coupons to KFC,

a 'Biden Hope & Change' bumper sticker, a prayer rug,

a machine to blow smoke up my ass

and a 'Blame it on Trump' poster for the front yard.

The directions were in Spanish.

Yours should arrive soon
I had to go back and watch it. The brogue got to me though. :puke:
Watch your mail in box

Just wanted to let you know - today I received my 2021 Social Security Stimulus Package.

It contained two tomato seeds, cornbread mix, two discount coupons to KFC,

a 'Biden Hope & Change' bumper sticker, a prayer rug,

a machine to blow smoke up my ass

and a 'Blame it on Trump' poster for the front yard.

The directions were in Spanish.

Yours should arrive soon
This post (along with a handful of others) from this thread needs to be placed on a “best of” section for future reference.