US Elections (& Politics) :)

UhOh... Joe’s in deep shit now.
The one liberal force that the Left fears most and can take him out, is pissed and coming for him.

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This is a set up concocted by Biden. He’s trying to get this little twit angry enough where she will make a trip to the White House. That will provide an opportunity for neck sniffing and shoulder groping.
Honestly, the fact that people give this little pos attention shows how stupid this world is. Imagine a teenage twit dictating how we should live our lives. All in the name of the cult of environmentalism. Yep, 3 back-to-back posts show I’m in rare form:)
FYI - sometimes the best commentary comes from the new media channels

Saagar Enjeti EXPOSES NYT, FBI '50 Year' WAR On Civil Liberties

Saagar Enjeti explains how the establishment is using the January 6th insurrection as a pretext to erode civil norms.
Good documentary, well worth the time to watch. I saw it last night. I am shocked that Amazon allowed it to be on its platform.

As an Amazon Associate IPCamTalk earns from qualifying purchases.
Love this cartoonist! He is exactly correct! How Pelosi and Schmucker can live with themselves, I will never understand.

Utterly disgusting. If you’re having problems deciding whether you’re a man or woman, you do not need to be associated with the military. To be in a combat situation requires concentration, quick thinking and decision making. Anything less results in severe consequences. Yeah, I’m going to trust decisions made by someone who is “confused” by gender. Hey I got news for you; if you have a rod, you’re a guy; if not, a woman. The only plausible case I would attempt to offer an excuse is if one was born with both sets.
To make this type of decision about offering this as a benefit makes me want to puke. This country has no moral compass anymore. They call right wrong, and wrong right. I’m just so sickened at this point. Sickened, but not surprised. This administration is bending this country over and giving it the proverbial green weenie.
'To make this type of decision about offering this as a benefit makes me want to puke. This country has no moral compass anymore. They call right wrong, and wrong right. I’m just so sickened at this point. Sickened, but not surprised. This administration is bending this country over and giving it the proverbial green weenie. '

I 100% agree with you. But all things come in cycles. This will pass and it will pass with a vengeance...that is what I think and feel.
My 8 and 12 year old daughters are now HOW MANY THOUSANDS of dollars in debt?????? Fucking destroyers of Democracy.....

This will pass and it will pass with a vengeance...that is what I think and feel.
I just hope I get to see that. Yes the political pendulum swings back and forth. I remember a bumper sticker I saw around 1980-81. It had a Paul Revere type on horseback shouting "The Republicans are coming, the Republicans are coming". And I did not believe it. But then we had two terms of Regan and one of Bush. Then two of Clinton and two of Bush. I think it was during the Clinton terms that things started to get ruthless. Then 9/11 happened.

After that, the media really turned on the conservatives. During the last few years of Bush it was like the media got super liberal. They laid the ground work for Obama. They kept saying that the Bush admin had failed. They blamed him for the housing/banking/mortgage fiasco. But that was put in motion by Clinton. But that did not matter. I was living in Nigeria when Obama was elected. So I was not really in tune with what was going on in the US media. I had conservative friends, lifelong Republicans, say that they felt obligated to vote for Obama in order to 'heal' the country from the 'damage' that Bush had done. Social Justice Bullshit! They drank the media cool aid.

I always felt that Clinton gave us GW Bush. It was the natural reaction to Clinton's policies. But I always felt that the media gave us Obama. But Hilary had a big hand in that also as did McCain. Trump was the natural reaction to the ever increasing left swinging Obama and Hilary sealed the deal. Even the media could not stop that from happening.

But now the left has moved radically left and the media is right there with them. And the left is trying to pass laws that will make it easy for them to stay for a while. It has become a daily assault on the minds and lives of middle to right leaning citizens. The media is full of opinions being touted as facts that push a far left agenda.

I don't know how many years I have left, but I am not very confident that I will see the swinging back to the right in my lifetime.
I 100% agree with you. But all things come in cycles. This will pass and it will pass with a vengeance...that is what I think and feel.
You are correct; almost everything (especially politics) wind up being cyclical. However, I’m not sure when we will see the swing back to the right. Like @samplenhold stated, not sure if it will be in our lifetime though, especially with moral fabric being torn to shreds.
I realize I’m probably the last one to be quoting or paraphrasing the Bible. However, you will read that the end times will be perilous. I will probably face some form of criticism here, but I’m not trying to be like the left and forcing you to believe or agree with me. All I’m saying is that these time are extremely perilous, and I think that we’ve gone so far, that there is little chance to right the ship. Don’t get me wrong, I desperately desire to get America back on the right track. In fact we were making great progress, but then multiple elections got stolen from us. I just see the changes in just the first 2 months of an illegitimate administration, and I wonder if we can hold on for two years, let alone four.
I love this guy. Texans, be proud this man is your governor.