This is a set up concocted by Biden. He’s trying to get this little twit angry enough where she will make a trip to the White House. That will provide an opportunity for neck sniffing and shoulder groping.UhOh... Joe’s in deep shit now.
The one liberal force that the Left fears most and can take him out, is pissed and coming for him.
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Greta Thunberg slams Joe Biden for ignoring ‘the science’ on climate change
Swedish teen environmental activist Greta Thunberg says President Biden isn’t doing enough to “treat the climate crisis like a crisis,” accusing him of being “not nearly enough in line with the science” on the
Honestly, the fact that people give this little pos attention shows how stupid this world is. Imagine a teenage twit dictating how we should live our lives. All in the name of the cult of environmentalism. Yep, 3 back-to-back posts show I’m in rare form