So the settlement is $27Million. Most probably the lawyers get 33% of that, leaving about $17.8 million. Of that the family graciously donated $500k to the 'community'. So that leaves about $17.3 million. I bet that is gone within 5 years, probably sooner. Just like a loto winning.Definition of Shit Show
II just invested dollars, which don't make sense, in digital currency based on nothing but prime numbers. Collectively they are worth trillions but realistically have no real value whatsoever. I think central bankers are having a laugh.On the surface it doesn't make sense.
Do facts even matter? Seems like this is all just persuasion. I think Scott Adams is right when he says we're witnessing hypnotism … an art of reinforcing what people already believe and then manipulating it. Maybe we all have to become trained hypnotists simply because educators have ruined rational thinking.The way he is being portrayed as a martyr for the BLM crowd is totally disgusting and the settlement, IMHO, was to also help insure a conviction of the officer.
In California I saw this today...
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But the irony is that America, because of it's founders and principles, and 100s of thousand who fought and died, and legal tax payers, is why this person drives a $50,000+++ Ford pickup. And why this person chooses to live here and not Mexico.ah... there's a winner with IQ driving that Ford.... probably one of those Mexican-American marxists... the MEChA people ( think BLM like group but completely for violent overthrow .. )
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My brother-in-law immigrated to this country, but did so legally. His path to gain citizenship was long, arduous, and costly. However, he was determined to do it the right way, and finally won out.The two biggest Trump supporters in my hood with the most signs in the yard were the legal immigrants that believed in the wall and keeping out those that are entering illegally. They came here legally and felt that is the right approach...
In California I saw this today, right after my visit this morning with my income tax preparer...
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There really is a thought that their should be open borders.
The far left obviously has people believing the borders should be open.
Then don't take a penny tax money from me; EVER! , As I pay all my taxes!!!
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Legal immigrants is one thing. But why should legal tax paying Americans pay for illegal immigration?
Bucareli Treaty
So Schumer states that Trump caused the current problem. Yeah, right. It was not Trump that said "Come on down" like it is a game show.As shown in the article below, the left is having to admit there is an issue, but they’re trying to blame the one man that actually worked on trying to resolve the issue.
Excellently stated mat200. You hit the nail squarely on the head. It's pretty amazing that guy drives around in the USA, FREELY, flying the Mexican flag bashing the American way. We are living in crazy times indeed.Well, I've been thinking about this Truck Owner a bit more...
And have come to a solid conclusion:
We need to limit immigration from Mexico and increase immigration from other countries.
This is the only way imho that we can help retain a balance for the U.S.A. and the values represented in the U.S. constitution.
No one foreign country should have such an influence on the U.S.A. that the independence of the U.S.A. is threatened by one national group.
So now they are going after people that did not even enter the Capitol building. This is beyond ridiculous. That judge is an asshole. I see all the time here in Houston violent people, felons that assault the police, are in possession of a firearm (felon in possession), that get $100 bond all day long. But this is political.
I cant even begin to describe how sick this makes me. Our government, specifically the FBI and now more and more LE are turning into no-shit real NAZI's.
Its a sad time for our country. And I hope those who go along in LE and the military rot in hell.
SHOCK REPORT! FBI Sends in Armored Vehicle with Turret, 2 Vans, 6 FBI Vehicles, 3 Local Police Vehicles to Arrest Young Father Who Attended Jan. 6 Rally - UNBELIEVABLE INTERVIEW! - Please Help...