Pulling my weight
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but the Mail in voting (discounting absentee ballots) is kinda/sorta/maybe illegal.
I'm stating this using these two items (not that the law has any meaning any more):
Hatch Act Overview
I dont see how it could be construed as being illegal. The hatch act prohibits federal employees in engaging in certain political activities. Delivering ballots or ballot request forms would not sufficiently be enough to constitute a political activities. If it did somehow constitute a violation of the hatch act then that would also extend to any mailings sent out by political parties as those would definitely fall under "political activities", and i feel that the RNC and the DNC would not want to jeopardize their political mailings and shilling for $$.
Also mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the exact same thing. Some may present them as different, but in reality they are not. The only difference is the excuse for why you are absent is being expanded to include not showing up due to the pandemic, but most states don't require an excuse to be given anyway.
For some additional context here is an article by fox news on the subject

Everything you need to know about mail-in voting in 2020
With serious health concerns over in-person voting at polling stations amid the coronavirus pandemic, more Americans will send their ballots in by mail this year than in any election in the nation’s history.