US Elections (& Politics) :)

Good luck with that approach :lmao:
Yeah, really...
In some many words, "...We want your money, we need your money but we're going to dictate to you OUR conditions under which we will accept your donations."
What???? :wtf:
This may have been posted but I didn't care to review 713 pages in this thread; besides, although it's humorous enough, IMO, to appear in the "Funny/Satire" thread, I think it's also ironic and a perfect commentary on the current Admin's knee-jerk reaction to the so-called global warming issue by closing a pipeline and putting 40K people out of a job with no immediate plans for them to re-train for a new industry, few rapid-charging stations near freeways, etc., etc.

If the SA thinks I'll apologize for being white and being able to donate to them they've got another thought to find. It's that simple. The only way to get the message across in a way they'll understand is in the pocketbook. The Marxocrats use this method all the time to get their way, time for Conservatives and people with principles to do the same.
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There are some old sayings and adages out there that have survived so well because they are ageless... they are as appropriate now as they were in some cases, 100 years ago. The first one that comes to mind is"...Don't bite the hand that feeds you." :headbang:
But there was no voter fraud. Just ask the MSM or FOX for that matter.
I pray everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Three Months Paid Leave for Abortions?
The city of Boston now offers employees paid leave for “loss of pregnancy” (including for abortion) – a tacit acknowledgement that abortion is murder.

Three Months Paid Leave for Abortions?
The city of Boston now offers employees paid leave for “loss of pregnancy” (including for abortion) – a tacit acknowledgement that abortion is murder.

I could never understand why Democrats kill their future voters. I guess that is why they have to import them.