US Elections (& Politics) :)

Biden to nominate Harris to Supreme Court?

Biden might try to replace her by nominating her to a Supreme Court vacancy. That chatter has already reached top levels of the Biden orbit, according to one person who’s heard it.

Biden to nominate Harris to Supreme Court?

Biden might try to replace her by nominating her to a Supreme Court vacancy. That chatter has already reached top levels of the Biden orbit, according to one person who’s heard it.

that would be perhaps one of the most unqualified nominations I have ever heard of ...
Even on a good day, Biden couldn't carry Reagan's lunch.....Biden is a drooling, crooked, dishonest moron who needs to step down and step away. He and his cabinet have done more harm to this country in 10 months than was done in all the previous years by any other administration or foreign entity.

As a Republican/conservative I've always had respect for several Democrat presidents, like Carter or Kennedy. They were good men that loved their country and honestly wanted to help their fellow Americans. Both had served their country in the Navy as well.

Joe Biden is another story.....he's trying, and succeeding, in dividing and destroying this country. I dislike the man intensely and unlike the 2 Democrat presidents I mentioned above, I wouldn't shake his hand if I had the opportunity. It's probably a good thing that I don't get that close to him anyway, as I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. :mad:

He's an embarrassment to our country and his admin is the most ruthless enemy this country has ever encountered...and that enemy is in the White House.

God save us.
The only court related position that she's qualified for is a position as Jester and even that is a stretch.
California Town Declares Independence From "Dictatorship Powers" Of State, Federal COVID Mandates

A town in California has declared itself a “constitutional republic,” independent of executive orders issued by the federal or state governments, in protest of lockdowns, mask mandates and compulsory vaccinations.

Appearing on Fox News, Oroville California’s vice-mayor Scott Thomson outlined the move, noting “I was sitting at City Hall, and the mandates continue to come. As you know it started with ‘two weeks to stop the—slow the curve,’ and it just seems like a carrot keeps being dangled in front of our faces of just a little more… and it seems like every mandate that comes down, it is a loss of freedom.”

Thomson compared Oroville’s move to that of San Francisco declaring itself a ‘sanctuary city’.

“We’re a constitutional republic, and wanna declare that,” Thompson urged, clarifying “We’re not separating from California, but we’re just reminding the higher-ups in other cities we need to stand up for our rights. We still are a constitutional republic, which means we have rights endowed by our ‘creator,’ and our founders created a republic, which was genius, to separate powers.”

The vice-mayor further explained, “I believe that worldwide, but especially in California, that the very fabric of our nation is at a crossroads of how much authority we’ll let the government have,” comparing the struggle to a war.

“I don’t believe that anybody wins when the government has more authority,” Thompson emphasised, adding and “every time that you lose freedom, usually it takes bloodshed to get it back.”

“We’re getting threats of loss of money for our city, but for us, and especially for me, they can have their money; we want freedom in California, we want freedom in Oroville, and so that’s what we’re standing up for,” Thompson further urged.

The UN must really LOVE the mid to lower class in the USA, since they are funding illegals that will cost the mid to lower class more taxes and competition in the job market.

The Hill
In a discussion with SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman in the House Small Business Committee last week, Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) clashed with Committee Chair Nydia Velázquez, after she warned him that he was violating the quorum.

People are waking up now :rofl:

Perhaps the whole country is turning out to be a con-artist, GMO food and plastic surgery anyone? :rofl:

The music may sound sweet, but police in Pinellas Park say what is behind it may not be. Over the last month, the Pinellas Park Police Department says there has been an increase in con artists across the county. They want holiday shoppers to be wary of street performers who claim to be talented musicians fallen on hard times. Police say the music is just a recording and the story is usually made up, too.