US Elections (& Politics) :)

Lots of other news understandably distracting our attention, but I found this rather eye opening.

You may not like trucker protestors and you may not like LME traders and you may not like Russian oligarchs, and that’s fine. That’s your prerogative. But understand that the Rubicon has been crossed in the last few mere months and that the rules based world order that we all lived under for our entire lives is gone. It’s over.
The vast majority of people you talk to won’t understand this and most will get angry if you suggest it. They’ll look to the MSM to “explain” what “actually took place.” There they may not fully agree but they’ll take their word for it. Why? Because it’s too hard to consider the truth.

The truth is that your net worth is zero. My net worth is zero. All of our net worth is the property of the financial institution that holds it. The land we own is the property of the state (wherever that may be held) should they choose it to be so.
All we will need to do to keep it is to keep in their good books. Don’t step out of line. Money will soon fall into this category when CBDCs are issued. We will be allowed to use it for the purposes they deem suitable.

Experts say the Supreme Court will lose the trust of a generation of Americans if the decision is walked back due to political pressure, but that didn’t stop whichever irate leftist leaked the document metaphorically pulling the pin on the grenade in an attempt to interfere in democracy.
“The American people’s belief in the rule of law would be shaken if they lost respect for this Court as an institution that decides important cases based on principle, not ‘social and political pressures’,” states the leaked document itself.
“But we cannot exceed the scope of our authority under the Constitution, and we cannot allow our decisions to be affected by the extraneous influences such as concern about the public’s reaction to our work,” Alito responds.
IMHO the Supreme Court leak is all about the mid-term elections. The polls must be devastating for the Democrats in order for them to do this.

indeed .. as is Pelosi's trip to Ukraine .. hush money perhaps?

Experts say the Supreme Court will lose the trust of a generation of Americans if the decision is walked back due to political pressure, but that didn’t stop whichever irate leftist leaked the document metaphorically pulling the pin on the grenade in an attempt to interfere in democracy.
“The American people’s belief in the rule of law would be shaken if they lost respect for this Court as an institution that decides important cases based on principle, not ‘social and political pressures’,” states the leaked document itself.
“But we cannot exceed the scope of our authority under the Constitution, and we cannot allow our decisions to be affected by the extraneous influences such as concern about the public’s reaction to our work,” Alito responds.
Gee, don't worry. The FBI (Federal Bureau of Incompetence) is already on this one and will do all in their power to bring those involved to justice.
This guy is such a stain on our democracy. Actually, these days, ALL demoncrats are. I never thought I would say this, but I truly 'hate' Demoncrats. I truly do. And you know, it isn't even about (to me) the leaked information.
Its about this stupid FUCKER stirring the pot, instead of calling for calm. He is the divider...truly. I wish nothing good for him. Nothing.

This so-called "leak" was carefully orchestrated to coincide with the release of the True the Vote and Dinesh d'Souza movie 2000 Mules, about how the left stuffed ballot boxes to steal the 2020 election. The so-called lame-stream news media will happily tell you this Supreme Court item is HUGE NEWS for days and days, and 100% ignore the release of this documentary proving how badly stolen was the 2020 election.

Anybody who still believes anything the media says is "newsworthy" hasn't been listening.
Whoever this POS is that leaked/stole the document, needs to go to Club Fed for a very, very long time. This has ignited the fire that I believe, will not go out. Hope this POS is happy.
As for calling for a revolution, careful there libtards, we all know what you can and cannot do.

Whoever this POS is that leaked/stole the document, needs to go to Club Fed for a very, very long time. This has ignited the fire that I believe, will not go out. Hope this POS is happy.
As for calling for a revolution, careful there libtards, we all know what you can and cannot do.

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I wouldn’t rule out Roberts… just sayin
All of this just makes me sick to my stomach. NO ONE is calling for order or discussion. Just violence. I really do think as a Nation, we are all but done. Oh, we might go on as the land mass known as the USA, but we aren't what we used to be, and doubt we ever will be again.
Honestly, I wouldn't care if the country splits in two...the Liberal States of America and the Conservative States of America. Wouldn't bother me a bit. How long do you think it would take for the liberals to be eating their own? At this point, I don't care any longer. Just damn glad I live

I'm not over reacting. I just think we have reached a point of no return. Question is, how fast will it proceed from here?