US Elections (& Politics) :)


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MAY 4, 2022

The leak is the plan

Dear Patriots,

By now you know all about the unprecedented leaked draft written by Supreme Court Justice Alito which clearly holds for the overturning of Roe v Wade.
This leak is a strategy by the left. It is designed to destroy yet another American institution, the Supreme Court.
This move diverts everyone from the many issues important in the Midterm elections, to make it all about ONE issue. It takes attention away from the record failures of the Biden Regime, the evidence coming out about the fraudulent 2020 election, and the billions being sent by the left to Ukraine while our border stands open.
The left has nothing worthwhile or remotely positive to run on to gain votes. So, they have done the unthinkable and thrown the abortion card to cause chaos.
We will not be side tracked by this ploy. We will watch this evolving situation closely.

1- They will spend any amount to make the next election about abortion.

Planned Parenthood, Other Pro-Abortion Groups To Spend $150 Million On Midterms

Planned Parenthood Action Fund and other major pro-abortion groups are investing $150 million toward the 2022 midterm elections nationwide.

Planned Parenthood Action Fund, along with NARAL Pro-Choice America and EMILY's List, are targeting the political funding into paid ads and other initiatives across nine states, including Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, California, Kansas, and Wisconsin.

Six of the nine states include competitive Senate races, according to Politico.

Alexis McGill Johnson, president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, claimed the plan serves as "a warning" to pro-life candidates.

"Let this be a warning to the out-of-touch politicians standing in the way of our reproductive freedom: People are watching. People are furious. And this November, the people will vote you out," Johnson said in a statement shared with Politico.

2- It is good to see some Republican Senators with enough outrage to stop this terrifying Ministry of Truth.
Daily Caller

House Republicans Introduce Legislation To Defund Biden's Disinformation Board

Republican Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson will introduce legislation Tuesday that would defund the Department of Homeland Security's new "Disinformation Governance Board," which is set to be led by Nina Jankowicz.

The Daily Caller first obtained the legislation spearheaded by Johnson, which has 50 cosponsors. The bill would completely bar federal funding for the DHS' "Disinformation Governance Board," something Johnson said the Republicans will do if President Joe Biden does not get rid of the board.

"The Biden Administration's decision to stand up a 'Ministry of Truth,' is dystopian in design, almost certainly unconstitutional, and clearly doomed from the start," Johnson told the Daily Caller before introducing the legislation. "The government has no role whatsoever in determining what constitutes truth or acceptable speech. President Biden should dissolve this board immediately and entirely. If he won't then Republicans will."

3- Every step you take...... Newly released documents showed the CDC bought location data to monitor millions of phones using Covid-CCP as their excuse.

CDC Tracked Millions of Phones to See If Americans Followed COVID Lockdown Orders

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) bought access to location data harvested from tens of millions of phones in the United States to perform analysis of compliance with curfews, track patterns of people visiting K-12 schools, and specifically monitor the effectiveness of policy in the Navajo Nation, according to CDC documents obtained by Motherboard. The documents also show that although the CDC used COVID-19 as a reason to buy access to the data more quickly, it intended to use it for more general CDC purposes.

Location data is information on a device's location sourced from the phone, which can then show where a person lives, works, and where they went. The sort of data the CDC bought was aggregated—meaning it was designed to follow trends that emerge from the movements of groups of people—but researchers have repeatedly raised concerns with how location data can be deanonymized and used to track specific people.

The documents reveal the expansive plan the CDC had last year to use location data from a highly controversial data broker. SafeGraph, the company the CDC paid $420,000 for access to one year of data to, includes Peter Thiel and the former head of Saudi intelligence among its investors. Google banned the company from the Play Store in June.

4- We never want to see companies fail; it has all sorts of downstream challenges for their employees. That is why it is important for company executives to make good decisions. WOKE decisions are proving, yet again, to be bad for business. The sandwich shop, Subway, has not done well with a leftist, American hating soccer player as it's main spokesperson.
The Federalist

Woke Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe Adds to Subway's Failure in 2021, Over 1,000 Stores Close Amid Backlash

Subway has struggled in the year since it hired soccer star and left-wing activist Megan Rapinoe as a national spokeswoman, with hundreds of stores closing across the nation. Hiring Rapinoe didn't help the company's fortunes, however: In 2021, 1,043 Subway locations closed, the New York Post reported Thursday. The chain already had been losing stores in the two years before she became the chain's pitchwoman.

At the height of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, Subway lost 1,609 stores. In 2019, it lost 999, the Post reported. Rapinoe's left-wing political activism, especially her kneeling in protest during the national anthem, made some franchise owners and customers very unhappy with the chain's decision to make her the face of the brand. Some franchise owners complained about Rapinoe as she and most of her teammates on the U.S. Women's National Team protested in advance of the Tokyo Olympics, where they finished a disappointing third.

5- We take no delight in Ford Motor, one of America's great car companies, losing revenue. But, we point out again that when executives make bad decisions to support leftist green ideas that the majority of the public is not interested in, failure will follow.
The Star News Network

Ford Reports Devastating Losses Thanks to Electric Vehicle Gamble

Major U.S. automaker Ford blamed its sizable investment in electric vehicle (EV) company Rivian for its dramatic revenue decline in the first quarter of 2022.

Ford reported revenue of $34.5 billion between January and March, a 5% decline relative to the same period in 2021, and a net loss of $3.1 billion, according to the company's earnings report released Wednesday. The Detroit automaker said its large investment in Rivian accounted for $5.4 billion in losses during the first quarter.

Rivian has posted massive profit losses of its own and its share price has plummeted nearly 70% over the last six months. The value of Ford's roughly 102 million Rivian shares has fallen from about $17.5 billion to $3.2 billion since November.

Rivian, a California-based company founded in 2009, went public in November, according to the WSJ. Investors quickly scooped up shares of the startup EV maker at the time, but recent poor performance has driven many investors away. In the final three months of 2021, Rivian reported a net loss of $2.5 billion. Automakers have increasingly turned their attention toward manufacturing electric vehicles as governments push aggressive green energy plans.

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Aug 3, 2015
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Durham's Trapped Them All
There's Really No Escape Now That He's Laid Out Most Of the Organized RICO Conspiracy Against Donald Trump

So here’s a brief summary of what happened the past week and a half:

Durham suckered Hillary for America [HFA], the DNC, Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS and Rodney Joffe into sudden furious activity where they rushed to the court in D.C. to file Motions To Intervene in the case he is prosecuting against former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann.

He did that by suddenly dropping trial subpoenas on certain people affiliated with Hillary for America and the DNC, where they were going to be compelled to come to court and specifically testify under oath before the jury about assertions of attorney client privilege they had made regarding certain documents.

It was Sussmann’s own defense team that let the trial subpoenas out of the bag by making an outraged filing in the court docket about it, demanding Judge Cooper quash the subpoenas

But suddenly on April 6, in filing his Motion To Compel Via In Camera, Durham revealed that these parties had held back a few thousand key documents as they made assertions of attorney client privilege. Durham had let that issue lay until now and then suddenly demanded them.

This is the trap Durham has lured them into.

He’s going to get all their vapid and lying assertions of attorney client privilege on the record and then he’s going to tear the claim to shreds and show they’ve been trying to hide a blatant criminal joint venture with it.

Durham came right out and told the court in a recent filing that hiding this RICO criminal joint venture from the FBI was Sussmann’s motive for lying to FBI General Counsel James Baker about not being there on behalf of any client as he handed the agency the Alfa Bank hoax he’d helped to create.

Durham’s not being shy at all about where his investigation is headed.

Kash Patel had a lot to say about what Durham’s been up to on a recent episode of Kash’s Corner at the Epoch Times with journalist Jan Jekielek.


Patel thinks Durham has led these various parties into self-destructing by the way he’s slowly rolled out the RICO criminal conspiracy over the past 6 months. He let them hang themselves with their own filings.

First, he got them all to admit they are trying to hide documents from his grand jury by claiming attorney client privilege - even when no lawyer was involved - and then he reminded them Sussmann insisted in writing he made his approach to the FBI all by himself and not for any client. Then he demonstrated to the court that all these parties are lying to it about Fusion having been hired solely for ‘legal advice’ and most certainly not for opposition research or to construct Trump/Russia hoaxes or anything like that.

And on top of that, Durham then went for the kill by having his grand jury drop trial subpoenas on these lying creeps at Hillary For America and the DNC and let them all know he’s going to compel testimony under oath about these assertions of attorney/client privilege they’ve been making to the court.

I’m more convinced than ever that to avoid having to send HFA/DNC people into the courtroom during a trial where they’ll be put under oath in front of the jury and then asked very specific questions about the attorney/client privilege they invoked to try to get out of having to comply with a grand jury subpoena, Sussmann’s own coconspirators in that ‘joint venture’ are going to urge him to change his plea to guilty and get the best deal he can.

This entire case has been a mess for the Sussmann defense team from A to Z, from beginning to end. Most of the filings make no real sense, such as the one they made to argue that Judge Cooper should compel Durham to grant Rodney Joffe immunity so that Joffe could testify at the trial for the defense in order to….prove that Susmmann perjured himself back in 2017 when he testified to Congress.

You are reading that correctly.

Sussmann admitted, when he was under oath back in 2017, that he was representing clients when he approached the FBI. But now that he’s going to trial, Sussmann wants Joffe to come testify that Sussmann didn’t approach the FBI for him.

Sussmann’s trial date is still currently set for May 16. Some time before then, I expect two things to happen:

Judge Cooper grants Durham’s Motion To Compel Via In Camera review and

Sussmann to announce he’s changing his plea to guilty

We’ll see what happens.


Somewhat related image capture:
Last edited:
Aug 3, 2015
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The consequences of the stolen 2020 election are increasingly catastrophic
By Patricia McCarthy | May 4 2022


Last year, Mollie Hemingway wrote a book about the 2020 election. Its title was Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections. It is a comprehensive story of the numerous ways the left orchestrated the Biden win.

A few weeks ago, David Bossie released his film, also titled Rigged. It exposed the scheme perpetrated by Mark Zuckerberg: "Zuckerbucks" in the amount of $400M to fraudulently ensure a Biden victory.

This week brings the release of Dinesh D'Souza's film, 2000 Mules. This film exposes and explains how paid "mules" in numerous states stuffed those drop boxes that Zuckerberg paid for with many thousands of ballots faked or harvested. Using geo-tracking of cell phones, Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote and Gregg Harris uncovered two thousand people who were paid via a variety of leftist non-profits to stuff those drop boxes, over and over again.

The film is a shocking exposé and reveals yet another complex and devious way certain leftist non-profits cheated to win. There can no longer be any question that Trump handily won the 2020 election and that the most criminal methods in American history were employed to steal his victory from the American people.

Neither film, Rigged nor 2000 Mules, addressed the possible manipulation of the voting machines by way of illicit programming or hacking via their connection to the internet. Those issues have been deeply covered by several cyber-experts. Peter Navarro's report early on also essentially proved that the 2020 election was marred by massive fraud.

The elephant in the room is this: why has no DOJ investigation been mounted, given the overwhelming volumes of evidence of election fraud? Why have the courts dismissed each case without even looking at the evidence? The only answer is that the DOJ, every other federal law enforcement agency and the corporate media are corrupt. They are all agents of the Democrat party. As Dennis Prager often comments, truth is not a left-wing value.

Beyond the mules; the illegally harvested ballots; fake ballots that were never folded, mailed, or signed; the finagling of people like Republican Gov. Kemp and sec. of state Raffensperger of Georgia and the NeverTrump powers that be in Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan and probably numerous other states, the 2020 election was the most dishonest, the most unscrupulous in American history. Unable to accept her defeat in 2016, Hillary Clinton fabricated the notion that Russia facilitated Trump's win, which gave birth to the entirely phony Mueller investigation, the trumped-up impeachments based on nothing, and the equally fabricated "insurrection" charges about January 6.

The Democrats have descended into the ninth circle of hell. They are willing to destroy the nation rather than see Trump's MAGA movement succeed…
Aug 3, 2015
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Pulling it all together, the liberal left is about ready to explode.

It seems many things are coalescing to make this pressure cooker blow up…simultaneously….
…D'Souza/2000 mules
…SC/Roe v Wade

…the left is about to explode. Would seem like a good time as any to break out the National Guard when they all pop at once.

(many thanks to the anon who posted this summation.)