US Elections (& Politics) :)


Getting comfortable
Jul 24, 2018
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One can only hope they burn down their own state and lives. Trump will just bulldozer it and build a new. Better yet, build a wall along California, Washington, and Oregon.

Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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From a data / SARS-CoV-2 / covid-19 analytics point of view

There are a lot of variables when comparing one state with the next state in the USA - which is why imho each Governor / State government should have a greater say on details of how regulations are put into place for their state. NY City is vastly different than many other major cities - and with the mass transit system and large building and elevators combined with the airborne virus is a recipe for trouble when the State authorities tell people masks are not required in those areas.

I do think there is plenty of areas to fault NY State and NY City "managers" ( note, I'm not calling them leaders ).

The part that I really am unhappy with Governor Cuomo is him putting the blame on the Europeans for this Pandemic ( the "European Virus" ) and for him sending the elderly with COVID-19 into the nursing homes to spread the disease. I will further blame both Cuomo and NY City governments for failing to address the issue of the virus being airborne and allowing greater spread in the subways and skyscrapers by being late on their recommendation for masks. ( should have been clear, all you needed to do was look at what works in Hong Kong to reduce virus / flu spreads )

I have not looked too closely at Florida, so have less to note about it.

As such, I know I do not want neither Cuomo nor Bill de Blasio representing me in any way.
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Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
At least 45 shot, leaving 12 of them dead in Baltimore during week of surging violence

As violence fluctuated this summer in Baltimore, the recent week in September left at least 45 people shot throughout the city — 12 of them dead since last Sunday, according to Baltimore police data.

Baltimore police confirmed on Sunday that from Sept. 6 to Sept. 13, 33 people were injured in shootings and 12 others were killed. But the week had already started off rough, coming off of a violent Labor Day weekend after 12 people had been shot, two others being killed and one person who was fatally stabbed. The latest shooting occurred overnight, around 12:24 a.m. in 700 block of N. Montford Avenue, where a 20-year-old was struck in the back.

On Friday, the hearts of local elected officials and community members of the Coldstream-Homestead-Montebello neighborhood were shattered following the fatal shooting of a 14-year-old boy in their community just about 15 minutes before noon.



Getting comfortable
Aug 1, 2018
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One can only hope they burn down their own state and lives. Trump will just bulldozer it and build a new. Better yet, build a wall along California, Washington, and Oregon.
That sounds a lot like the rationale of the radical leftists and Antifa.

We're still smoking pretty good around here and with the warnings of high winds on the way you'll likely get even more of your wish.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Saw that, disgusting. I hope they’re able to find the perp and execute him on pay per view.

(vid is showing not available - YouTube selectively censoring that?)
It looks like a kid
Saw that, disgusting. I hope they’re able to find the perp and execute him on pay per view.

(vid is showing not available - YouTube selectively censoring that?)
This is a direct result of the Marxist/Socialist narrative that the United States core principals and foundations are Systemically Racist. The Left is 100% to blame for this incident.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
It's just so common that you "Wipe" your cellphone, happens to everyone all the time right? ...

I've had many cell phone since they were invented and never once did I wipe my phone of it's data. I could see if maybe all you had was a kindergarten education you might go that far, but these are supposed to be college elites.

What gets me is that this bogus Russian collusion witch hunt was lightyears bigger than Watergate, and still no one is in jail yet. I'd prefer to see Schiff go to jail before Page and Strzok. What he did was just as criminal as what others did, maybe even more so.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
If Biden can’t answer questions without a script, how can he run the country?

Wow: Joe Biden’s staff won’t even let him do a “spontaneous” Q&A session without a script. Is he really that far gone?

Obsessive scripting is the only explanation for what happened at last week’s Biden question-and-answer session with AFL-CIO union members, when the candidate responded to a young barista’s query with the non sequitur, “Move it up here” — then paused.

Anyone who’s been following Biden’s travails recognizes those words as a cue to his aides to jog the teleprompter, as he’s done time and again in recent weeks. (Why an experienced politician with a top-notch staff keeps having this trouble is also worrisome.)

Anyway, after the pause, Joe launched into his “off the cuff” response — which was utter boilerplate: “You know, there used to be a basic bargain in this country, that workers shared in the wealth they helped create.” It’s beyond appalling that Biden would need reminding of that trope.

His aides won’t even discuss the elephant in the room.

After the AFL-CIO footage made the rounds, Fox News’ Bret Baier put the obvious question to TJ Ducklo, the campaign’s national press secretary: “Has Joe Biden ever used a teleprompter during local interviews or to answer Q&As with supporters?”

Ducklo ducked the question — repeatedly, before finally saying, “I am not going to allow the Trump campaign to funnel their questions through Fox News and get me to respond to that.”

There’s your answer.

Time and again, teleprompter troubles have exposed the fact that Biden is just reading his lines in what his campaign pretends are real conversations with supporters, like Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf.

He’s not even answering reporters’ questions off the cuff: “Look, Venezuela topline message is . . .” he told an NBC Miami reporter



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Doctor Jill and the incredible fable of elder abuse.

Biden Forgets Where He’s Traveling to Tomorrow So His Handlers Quickly Swoop in to Save the Day (VIDEO)

Reporter: "You guys voted early today?"

Joe Biden: "Because I’m going to be in, where am I tomorrow? I’m in --?"

Jill Biden: "We're traveling."

Staff: "Florida!"

Joe Biden: "I'm traveling tomorrow."



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Massachusetts 4th Congressional primary fallout: Franklin town clerk resigns (Thousands of ballots discovered - STOLEN ELECTION PREVIEW)

A Massachusetts town clerk has resigned after officials in the 4th Congressional District community lost track of thousands of ballots in the primary earlier this month.

Franklin Town Clerk Teresa Burr on Friday stepped down to “re-establish confidence with the voters of this community in their elections,” she wrote in her resignation letter.

Two days after the Sept. 1 primary, thousands of uncounted ballots surfaced in Franklin as the 4th Congressional District remained too close to call. The newly discovered 3,000 uncounted ballots were mail-in votes that appeared to have never made it to polling locations on Election Day.

Poll workers ended up counting the 3,000 ballots late into the night two days after the primary. Jake Auchincloss eventually won the Democratic primary.

In Burr’s resignation letter, she noted that this election season has been “the most challenging election cycle in my career.”

“I want to assure every resident that my performance over the past few months for this election was not intentional, nor have I ever conspired to deprive any voter of their ability to cast a ballot and have that ballot counted as part of an election,” Burr wrote.

“Any oversights that I made during this election cycle are due to the many challenges this election has brought upon myself,” she added. “I believe it is in the best interest of the community to have a new leadership team in place.”

Officials in three 4th Congressional District communities — Franklin, Newton and Wellesley — two days after the primary restarted counting primary ballots following Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin filing a court order to authorize local poll workers to continue counting ballots that were received on time and had not been tallied by the end of primary night.
