Hopefully, for the last time and avoiding replies which involve misdirection and obfuscation. I have used a VPN where I am the host and “when inside my LAN“ CAN view live surveillance camera video feed using an iPhone and web access via IP address. There is no problem using NordVPN + Meshnet, or OpenVPN on my router. The camera website can be entered using a web browser and the cameras IP address. So once again, there is NO PROBLEM in doing this.
The problem only arises when the cell phone is used OUTSIDE of the LAN. Any form of acceptable solution must use VPN and not use port forwarding (I AGREE, I AGREE). My surveillance camera manufacturer happens to be Reolink and, whilst I am able to achieve web access to the cameras IP address the received live video feed cannot be decoded as it uses Adobe Flash Video (FLV) format. Reolink technical agree that without a web browser that supports FLV (and no major browser will support it as the plug-in iitself is extremely vulnerable to hacking) the REMOTE LIVE video cannot be viewed.
I had hoped that someone would provide a simple direct example, giving actual components used, eg OpenVPN on router (which one) using a defined surveillance camera, cell phone, host pc, web browser, etc, etc, where they ACTUALLY ACHIEVE remote live video viewing and not “I’m sure this would work if you tried it”. If you can’t provide these simple details then don’t waste time replying.