Here in NL we are at about € 0,18453 per kWh
That is divided in: € 0,06 for the KwH, € 0,11 energy tax, and € 0,02 Value added tax
Than we pay like € 275 a year for the connection (management. maintenance, rent of the measuring device etc)
For my new house I will go electric only (we now do natural gas for heating and warm water) with Solar Panels for about 8000 Wp)
Here the energy counter runs backward when you have more solar power than you use and you can use that back when it is dark. So our grid is the battery (for the next 3-5 years that is for now) When you have soo much solar energy and you are above your normal use, you get the base electric price back (€ 0,06 and with some contracts up to € 0,11)
The taxation tends to go up on natural gas and down on electricity as our government needs to reach a environment goal in some years (and they are far behind)
So we can deduct the VAT (21%) on the solar install including labor.
So if the 8000 Wp is lets say € 12.000 I get back € 2082 back, and it is little below € 10.000
Since we have small houses right next to each other I can unfortunately not go for the cheap panel type and put lots on the roof
Top roof (flat) in east/west orientation. Panasonic HIT N295 panels. (18x)
Side roof facing South/West has neighbor house in 5 meter distance and that is 1.5 meters heigher. So it puts a triangle shape shadow over my panels during the afternoon (about 2 hours) Do not know yet what type I will use, but will fit about 11 normal size panels, or 15 smaller ones (Panasonic HIT N245 for example).
For the side roof I need shadow management so will hook it al up with SolarEdge
Expensive system, but seems only way to get decent amount of kWh from the available roofs.