I don't know if this is the proper place to post this question or not. If not maybe the mods can move it to the correct place.
I am looking for some guidance on a couple of potential systems I’m strongly considering.
First some background information. We are under contract to sell our place to a developer who will ultimately level all the buildings (house and shop). We have to be out in 12 months and we are the last house to sell, meaning we will be the last to move.
I have good intel from other nearby developments and folks who have been through this process that the neighborhoods break down and crime goes up during this major transition process. Break-ins, squatting, vandalism, etc. Because of this and because the ongoing move means there will be times that our place will be unoccupied I want to temporarily install a video system to monitor the situation.
I’m am very pressed for time on this deal and I think that as much as I would like to research individual components and make the best purchase decision based on said research, the reality of the situation is I’m better off going with one of the complete systems from Costco. I would like to have the first camera (will monitor our private road and entrance to the house driveway) up and running by the end of next week.
We are long time Costco members and make good use of their liberal return policy when needed. I called them to confirm that the security systems were not considered ‘electronics’ (which have only a 90 day return policy) and as such are covered by their larger corporate return policy.
The install at this house (sold and have to be out in 12 months) will be quick and dirty. I will put the cameras where I want them and then tack the cables to the side of the house, bore a hole through the wall into my office and probably put the NVR in the office (I guess?) There will be no running cables through the attic, crawl space, walls etc. As near as I can tell, my longest run will be 145 feet.
I will use bullet cameras outside and will want at least one or two cameras inside my shop though I may be able to get away with using bullet cameras inside the shop for now and look at sourcing more appropriate indoor cameras when I get the next shop building?
When we move I will uninstall the system and if I’m happy with its performance keep it and install it on whatever new home we end up in, or return it to Costco if I’m not happy with it.
As an example this is one of the outside positions looking down my private road (I own it). The road is single lane dead-end with no official turn-around at the end. Anybody wanting to get to our place pretty much has travel past this point both coming and going. The camera will be mounted on the end of our fence either directly or inside a bird house or something. This location is good if plate numbers and vehicle make/model can be captured.
This system is pretty pricey and I am aware it was just on sale, but I can’t really wait until it goes on sale again (which will probably be right after I purchase it) J
Also this system:
I don’t know, I’m all over the board here and need some help getting focused on the best value Costco system for my needs.
Thank you.
I don't know if this is the proper place to post this question or not. If not maybe the mods can move it to the correct place.
I am looking for some guidance on a couple of potential systems I’m strongly considering.
First some background information. We are under contract to sell our place to a developer who will ultimately level all the buildings (house and shop). We have to be out in 12 months and we are the last house to sell, meaning we will be the last to move.
I have good intel from other nearby developments and folks who have been through this process that the neighborhoods break down and crime goes up during this major transition process. Break-ins, squatting, vandalism, etc. Because of this and because the ongoing move means there will be times that our place will be unoccupied I want to temporarily install a video system to monitor the situation.
I’m am very pressed for time on this deal and I think that as much as I would like to research individual components and make the best purchase decision based on said research, the reality of the situation is I’m better off going with one of the complete systems from Costco. I would like to have the first camera (will monitor our private road and entrance to the house driveway) up and running by the end of next week.
We are long time Costco members and make good use of their liberal return policy when needed. I called them to confirm that the security systems were not considered ‘electronics’ (which have only a 90 day return policy) and as such are covered by their larger corporate return policy.
The install at this house (sold and have to be out in 12 months) will be quick and dirty. I will put the cameras where I want them and then tack the cables to the side of the house, bore a hole through the wall into my office and probably put the NVR in the office (I guess?) There will be no running cables through the attic, crawl space, walls etc. As near as I can tell, my longest run will be 145 feet.
I will use bullet cameras outside and will want at least one or two cameras inside my shop though I may be able to get away with using bullet cameras inside the shop for now and look at sourcing more appropriate indoor cameras when I get the next shop building?
When we move I will uninstall the system and if I’m happy with its performance keep it and install it on whatever new home we end up in, or return it to Costco if I’m not happy with it.
As an example this is one of the outside positions looking down my private road (I own it). The road is single lane dead-end with no official turn-around at the end. Anybody wanting to get to our place pretty much has travel past this point both coming and going. The camera will be mounted on the end of our fence either directly or inside a bird house or something. This location is good if plate numbers and vehicle make/model can be captured.

This system is pretty pricey and I am aware it was just on sale, but I can’t really wait until it goes on sale again (which will probably be right after I purchase it) J
Also this system:
I don’t know, I’m all over the board here and need some help getting focused on the best value Costco system for my needs.
Thank you.