Known around here
- Sep 25, 2017
- 2,840
- 3,719
For what its worth this version of the G3 is basically the same dimensions as the ML07, but should cost you about 20%-40% as compared to building something.
I looked on ebay in the UK.
Cheapest one was £319 ($434) and they ranged up to £800 ($1,089) !!!
With most of them offered (they were all refurbs except the most expensive which claimed to be opened box never used), the sellers were offerring a range of options and once you specc'd 16GB RAM and a 256SSD (£30 these days?), the price rose to around £450 ($613). MUch cheaper to swap out yourself but still expensive way to go for a 7th gen refurb.
The UK is a rip off in my opinion.
By contrast to build an 11th gen 11400 based pc excluding OS, around £450-500. OS you could try the free upgrade route - still works for some people or buy a key, sometimes dodgy, but people seem to have success from some of thebetter known vendors.
With either there's then the storage drive on top.