Has anyone successfully implemented this firmware on a Wyzecam v2 (as in what ships now)? I ask because I ordered one specifically for the purpose of trying the openipc firmware for v2 to use with BI but have not been able to get the camera to connect to any wifi router I have around after flashing the firmware & setting up the config per the instructions in the readme on
GitHub. I am assuming that I need to tweak something in the config files, likely in wpa_supplicant.conf to make this device connect properly to my wifi AP. So far I've tried every combination of security (or not) I can with no success along with a few different wi-fi routers & AP's. I am missing something.
Here is the content of wpa_supplicant.conf out of the GitHub repository, I replace "SSID" and "PW" as applies to the local config I have, and yes I do have a DHCP server on the network but if there is anything else that comes to mind I'm all ears:
# Uncomment to connect to Hidden SSIDs
pairwise=CCMP TKIP
group=CCMP TKIP WEP104 WEP40
Thank you in advance for any help on this, otherwise I might of just wasted $26..... could be worse