Known around here
Fauci..."Natural Immunity?, haven't really looked into that". "Thanks TV host for the idea" 

I'd laugh at this, after all, it is from the Bee, but with what has transpired over the past 18 months, it is possible.New IPhone 13 Will Require Vaccination To Unlock Screen
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New IPhone 13 Will Require Vaccination To Unlock Screen
CUPERTINO, CA—During the much-anticipated unveiling of the new iPhone 13 at this year's Apple Event, CEO Tim Cook revealed that the newest model and iOS will ask users to confirm vaccination status before unlocking the screen.babylonbee.com
I trust that the CDC is working hard at preparing information to convince folks of something. That is about it. If they can figure out a way to skew the numbers to tell the story they are selling, they will do it!Do you trust the CDC?
So Mad Cow Disease was created by humans who feed their cows as if they were cannibals'Since this covid crap came from an animal and was factory mutated for humans. I wonder why the Gooberment has not told the cat lady that she needs to Vax her cats. Hmmm.
Most diseases originally come from animals. Hiv = monkeys, Swine flu = pigs, Mad cow = cows, etc.. And the reason 95 % of these diseases affects humans, is because humans manipulate the disease.
Stop the labs and the libs from having sex with animals. Oh wait, sorry I forgot, they are animals.