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  1. Tinman

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    So how did you get to 2.9.2 ? I see it is no longer available ? BTW, does the check for updates work now ?
  2. Tinman

    Blue Iris Updates - Official Thread

    No, but here are my settings for that cam and my AI global settings:
  3. Tinman

    Blue Iris Updates - Official Thread

    Got my first paw :)
  4. Tinman

    CodeProject.AI Server ver 2.8.0 install issue?

    I had to run "C:\Program Files\CodeProject\AI\setup.bat" the first time I installed 2.8.0 as it requires the 8 .net . Run that and then rerun the 2.8 setup. I just installed it fine 2 days ago on my test machine. I also had to edit the "C:\ProgramData\CodeProject\AI\modulesettings.json" in...
  5. Tinman

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Jimmy Kimmel ??
  6. Tinman

    Anyone have a DisplayPort to HDMI adapter they like?

    I prefer the cable, one less connection...
  7. Tinman

    CPAI 2.80 Changelog?

    Sure, here is my setup. Not too long from when I start the service, 10-15 seconds it starts to run.
  8. Tinman

    Is this the same Kid from the door checkers with a gun?

    Yes, with those settings you still get the time and date. I agree, I have on one occasion provided some clips to the police and used the MP4 as well. They did not care at all, but they were not used in court, they just wanted to see what happened. I would rather save the un-exported bvr in...
  9. Tinman

    Is this the same Kid from the door checkers with a gun?

    For example, using the settings below, you will get the raw BVR file exported. Drop this file on BI's player and you will see the time stamp. It is already embedded in the file. Why I wonder how you would supply the clip to the authorities.
  10. Tinman

    Is this the same Kid from the door checkers with a gun?

    So, I ask again, how would you provide the video clip and in what format, using BI?
  11. Tinman

    Is this the same Kid from the door checkers with a gun?

    I use Nettime as well to sync my BI server instead of relying on Windows to sync, but do not sync every camera to it. I simply let BI do that for me. My question is, if you were to give video clips to the police, what format would you give them? You would have to re-encode anything unless...
  12. Tinman

    Is this the same Kid from the door checkers with a gun?

    If using Blue Iris direct to disk, you really no longer need the camera's time stamp as BI now embeds the date and time into the bvr file. Sure makes things a lot easier to keep all your cams exactly sync'd. I know some will argue this point, but this is my opinion. If you give the raw...
  13. Tinman

    MyCommerce/Digital River meltdown
  14. Tinman

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

  15. Tinman

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

  16. Tinman

    MyCommerce/Digital River meltdown

    I would think Ken would have some way to not validate any keys sold by them by now, otherwise why wouldn't they just keep taking people's money. Did the key work ?
  17. Tinman

    MyCommerce/Digital River meltdown

    That doesn't surprise me at all. If PayPal has none of DR's funds or anyway to get money back from them, the end user (the buyer) is screwed. I figured it was like pissing in the wind :rolleyes:
  18. Tinman

    Is (CPAI) closing down

    The only GUARANTEED way it never goes away is to make Macrium backup of your current BI system, or whatever image software you use. I sure hope it hangs around though. It would be great to have a copy of the CPAI 2.8 version that was a self-installer.
  19. Tinman

    MyCommerce/Digital River meltdown

    This morning while having my coffee I did file a dispute with PayPal on this matter. It took about 5 minutes and was probably a waste of my time, but I figure it was worth a try for Ken's sake. I'll update here on the decision I get. Also, I did get the Blue Dot in the Blue Iris notification...
  20. Tinman

    The official "WTF" thread

    reminds me of one of my old favorites:
  21. Tinman

    Long time BI user, many new problems

    I'm confused, if other computers connect fine to your BI server, then why would you change settings on it? I would think your issue is on the laptop that won't connect. but it's kind of a guessing game here of your issue.
  22. Tinman

    MyCommerce/Digital River meltdown

    For those who have been using PayPal to auto renew through DR, be sure to log into your PayPal acct. and make that subscription In-active.
  23. Tinman

    No Email Notification

    I assume you also setup a new OAuth token then? I believe Ken forgot to include the update to the "Update Notes" in the help file. I would do it the same way as it explains in the help file for Gmail.
  24. Tinman

    They have issued a new Stupidity test in California

    And then you have the ones that wear the mask below their nose. Brilliant! :idk:
  25. Tinman

    Random Location Symbol on UI3 on camera.

    That symbol means you have pressed the center button on the PTZ controls and will lock your camera on that position.
  26. Tinman

    5.9.8 - September 18, 2024 PTZ auto tracking beta - Direct PTZ positioning

    The direct ptz feature works great for all my Dahua cams now running Dahua New v4 and :)
  27. Tinman

    5.9.8 - September 18, 2024 PTZ auto tracking beta - Direct PTZ positioning

    Ken is still working on the direct ptz feature. I gave him access to my SD5A425GA-HNR to help him figure it out. It did work perfect using non-service mode on but on and on, it draws the rectangle and then just moves a little. He told me this will probably be a per camera basis...
  28. Tinman

    CPAI 2.80 Changelog?

    I only use YOLOv5.NET, but it did update it to 1.11.0 on that. I can say this version 2.8 has been rock solid in my scenario!
  29. Tinman

    Corrupt Files induce 90+% BI CPU Usage?

    It's too late now, but if the problem comes back check your status, it may give you some info as why your system became sluggish.