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  1. bigredfish

    Money & Economics

    Prices should start coming down and the Fed is likely going to be forced to lower rates. All good for buyers. Glad we were able to sell when we did
  2. bigredfish

    2nd Amendment thread

    Ok so if this is passed, it may be time to move out of Kalifornia
  3. bigredfish

    Review-SD4A425DB-HNY 1/2.8" CMOS 4MP 25x Starlight Auto-tracking MiniPTZ

    You're not by chance running SMD simultaneous with IVS are you? Whether on camera or NVR for that channel? I only ask as I had issues with a lag and tearing of the video when I did
  4. bigredfish

    LPR setup help

    Will be real interested in the difference in light pickup running color at night between those two cameras...
  5. bigredfish

    Looking for advice on a local storage only camera system

    Using Gmail? I dont have it handy but there's a certain thing you need to do with Gmail and apps...? here's a few threads
  6. bigredfish

    DMSS app, 2 people logged in with same creds

    OK I'm one version behind you on .845 ios I'll try using IP added NVR. The two we tried were added via serial # as I'm toying with P2P
  7. bigredfish

    DMSS app, 2 people logged in with same creds

    But are you logging into individual cameras or logging into the NVR and viewing the cameras in the list? DMSS version?
  8. bigredfish

    LPR setup help

    Those look pretty darn good outta the gate. What exposure? You’re gonna make me buy one of those aren’t ya …
  9. bigredfish

    LPR setup help

    Luigi’s Double pepperoni of course! Nice n greasy :p
  10. bigredfish

    LPR setup help

    Maybe cut back on IR or play with iris and/or gain LOL no good way to know without playing with it. Pics help
  11. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I'll admit the initial impression I got before I did any research was a good one, beginning with his statement, something to the effect of: "He didnt need help evacuating, he needed ammunition" As time went on it became clear to anyone he had a coke problem and he loved American $ a little too...
  12. bigredfish

    Highlights are Blown Out - ET IPC-T58IR-SE-2.8MM-S3

    A pic would be helpful. What model# exactly? WDR sounds like what you need, I run one with it as low as 12 and it makes a difference. Also you could try SSA (backlight mode SSA NOT SSA AI at the top of the menu) Are you setting it via the camera's web GUI or trying to set it via the NVR...
  13. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    NEW: Elon Musk just revealed that the government handed the Navy $12 billion to build new submarines—and not a single submarine was built. When investigators asked where the money went, Navy officials shrugged and said they had no idea. “There’s a case where I think Senator Collins was telling...
  14. bigredfish

    Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?

    Is that a lecture from a failed State? :winktongue::rofl::lmao:
  15. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

  16. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Little crack head wont fully realize what happened until tomorrow
  17. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Ooopsss FAFO
  18. bigredfish

    Looking for low-light camera recommendation to use as navigation aid on a boat

    I think those are predefined and you dont want them (I dont use them) You want to define your own Choose "Customized Scene" at top Next go to bottom and define day and night by using the sliders Something like this Next On settings, its trial and error. Each scene is different as is your...
  19. bigredfish

    Money & Economics

    Might be different metrics, I didnt look that close
  20. bigredfish

    Money & Economics

    I think I saw back to 1995. So 30 years is a long tiime
  21. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

  22. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    :rofl: :winktongue:They literally kicked him out
  23. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Well that escalated quickly
  24. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

  25. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

  26. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Grift machine coming to an end….
  27. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I think the little fraud elf is at the end of his career . He’ll have to go into hiding with the tens of Millions $$$$ he grifted from Biden
  28. bigredfish

    LPR setup help

    Weird how it messes with the color. Try range 0-50 vs fixed 20-20
  29. bigredfish

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

  30. bigredfish

    Money & Economics