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  1. Myllerman

    Do you guys hide your cameras? Is it a deterrent or a capture mechanism

    Thats probably the best tactic. Some camera/s for show and some hidden so if the thief tries to sneak past the show camera they will still get caught by the hidden ones as you wrote. Most of mine are discrete mostly becouse i want a shot of the perp before he gets a chance to mess up the...
  2. Myllerman

    1 to 4 PoE Extender

    Thought i report back that it works great outside in cold weather. We only have -10C thought, will see if it gets any colder. February is usually the coldest. Mayby -15C later. No indication of any problems so far atleast.
  3. Myllerman

    Static vs dynamic IP Address for camera

    Hard to say what is wrong. Mayby someone here on the forum has experience with that brand. I could not see ONVIF in the specsheet but if you got it working before its strange it drops out. Hope that firmware-update fixes things for you. Dont have any more advice :(
  4. Myllerman

    Dahua Starlight STARVIS with more MP?

    Starlight and STARVIS are two separate things. A camera can have both or only one of them. STARVIS is the sensor but they have different sensitivitys. What you should look at is the LUX numbers. Lower lux is better. I am quite happy with the epoe 8MP Starvis but they are nowhere near as good in...
  5. Myllerman

    Static vs dynamic IP Address for camera

    They are wrong.. Those things does not affect being able to connect to cam on lan. I dont know what cams they are but i would probably check cables, switch the port that the cable sits in to another. Check for latest firmware. Do a hard reset and reconfigure. Mayby try different ip adress and...
  6. Myllerman

    SmartPss and only one stream at the time

    Mayby some adress conflict that blocks traffic ? Have you tried different TCP port and IP numbers, preferbably outside of DHCP range ? For the sake of trying everything..
  7. Myllerman

    Lense Condensation

    Let them be powered 24H and see if it goes away. Is the environment within camera specs ? Operating Conditions: | -30 °C ~ 60 °C (-22 °F ~ 140 °F) Humidity 95% or less (non-condensing) If extreme cold there could be problems mayby.
  8. Myllerman

    Lense Condensation

    If its condensation i dont know, IP67 should keep moisture out..
  9. Myllerman

    A few snow covered deer

    Thanks for sharing, great camera work and quality !
  10. Myllerman

    Recommended Manufacturers

    Hello and welcome to the forums ! For such recommendation i think its best to list more specific what you want to do and the budget / camera. Network and computer skill-level also important. Brands are also country dependent. I like Dahua but it requires buying gear overseas (usually). Andy on...
  11. Myllerman

    1 to 4 PoE Extender

    Thanks for the clarification. Btw fun story, when i first got the 1-4 POE Extender i thought it was broken. When i connected it nothing happend ! I also noticed it sounded like something was loose inside when shaking it. I opened it up but it was only the board that sits a little loose becouse...
  12. Myllerman

    1 to 4 PoE Extender

    I can report that the 1-4 splitter works fine for my two IPC-HFW5831E-ZE. This solution was the best as i only had to dig down one cable in the ground. My POE switch does not support 802.3at so i had to buy an injector. I bought the D-Link DPE-301GI 1-Port Gigabit PoE Injector | D-Link Works...
  13. Myllerman

    1 to 4 PoE Extender

    Ah, thanks. I will save the link in case i need one in the future.
  14. Myllerman

    1 to 4 PoE Extender

    Do you have a link to the D-Link one ? I only need 2-ports but didnt know there was one. Nvm i found it i think. D-Link DPE-302GE. They dont sell it in my country. Pretty expensive also. The 1-4 Extender will do fine i think. Its good form factor.
  15. Myllerman

    1 to 4 PoE Extender

    I am no installer so dont know if this is "ok". Its a IP65 box that i will put the switch in. The box will sit under a soffit on my small shed. If it burns atleast only my shed will be ruined lol. Its winter now so its cold out. Mayby i put some silica bags in to get rid of moisture ?
  16. Myllerman

    New firmware for IPC-HXX5231XX Released on 201711

    Allright good :) I did not know so best to ask i thought hehe.
  17. Myllerman

    New firmware for IPC-HXX5231XX Released on 201711

    Tried it on my IPC-HDBW5831R-ZE and it went fine. I accidentally did the NTSC on PAL thought. I dont see any problem, could there be trouble ? I defaulted camera before and after update so should be ok ?
  18. Myllerman

    New firmware for IPC-HXX5231XX Released on 201711

    Ok thanks. Might try later.
  19. Myllerman

    New firmware for IPC-HXX5231XX Released on 201711

    What models does it work with ? It says 5X3X so other megapixel works too ?
  20. Myllerman

    Firmware for newer dahua cams as well as detailed specs available here

    I upgraded the cams to 16.R from Dahua homepage and they now have 15fps (8MP) instead of 14fps. It also says Dahua on the login screen instead of the general login. Oh well, its all good now :) My IPC-HDBW5830R-Z had some exposureproblem but it also gone with new FW. It would reset or flicker...
  21. Myllerman

    Firmware for newer dahua cams as well as detailed specs available here

    Question. I got a few 8MP Starvis ZE model cams and it seems even though the firmware is the same some have the "forgot password" option next to the login and some dont. Also the one that dont has a max fps of 14 while the "forgot password" ones has 15fps. Why ? They are all PAL from Andy. They...
  22. Myllerman

    Is there a good small camera for front and rear doors?

    I always wondered how those arlo batteries hold up in -20C cold for example. Cant be very long. Also the videoquality for the price is very low. Comparable to $20 wired ip-cam from Ali.
  23. Myllerman

    gDMSS Plus "timout issue"

    Nvm i got it working.. I changed the IP and Port two steps and now its working. No idea why it didnt work before. There was no IP conflict that i could see. Mayby this thread can help someone else. It was a headscratcher.. I think its was my Unifi accesspoint that did this. I remember now that...
  24. Myllerman

    gDMSS Plus "timout issue"

    I have 6 Dahua cameras installed and 5 is working flawlessly with gDMSS. I setup them exactly the same except different ip-adress and portnumbers. This last camera i installed gets timeout in gDMSS. Cant connect to it. The strange thing i can connect to both main and substream in smartPSS that...
  25. Myllerman

    Troubleshooting POE Powerline

    I have had issues with powerline. Network stopped working ashort time then went back on again. Went away when i installed CAT6 instead. Dont know if thats your problem but thought i mention it.
  26. Myllerman

    Dahua New 5MP Starlight line up?

    You are right, i compared to the wrong Starlight segment. As its a pro model the 5MP will probably be $350 atleast.
  27. Myllerman

    CCTV Comparions

    I have not seen such a site. The large portion of the market of CCTV and IP cams are almost exclusive to buisniesses, city and such. The admount of home owners who are interested is very small so thats probably why no-one has made such site that i know. You might find "smart" cam reviews but...
  28. Myllerman

    SmartPSS version with windows 10/64

    Strange, when i installed it i got to choose the password. SmartNVR is admin/admin until you change it i think. SmartPSS asked for new pass, atleast for me but might differ version to version. One solution is to reinstall..
  29. Myllerman

    Dahua NVR5216-4KS2 / NVR5216-16P-4KS2

    Sounds good. I dont have that many now but for the future its good to know it works. Need to build the system a little at the time as the cameras aint excactly cheap hehe :) The NVR will be hidden and only watching the NVR is somthing happens. Atm i am using smartPSS to watch the streams.
  30. Myllerman

    Dahua NVR5216-4KS2 / NVR5216-16P-4KS2

    Thanks, yeah i will. :)