Search results

  1. N

    2.8mm vs 3.6mm test

    Thanks, Aristobrat. Good point about the specs. I didn't even think about that part (spec reading). Specs aside, since you have gone through this, you would say that the 2.8 on the wedge is actually wider than the 2.7 on the turret (not just by specs, but by actually seeing the cams in action)...
  2. N

    2.8mm vs 3.6mm test

    Good morning (or evening, depending on where you are!). I currently have a couple Starlight -HDW5231R-Z cams up and running. I am looking at picking up a mini-wedge HDBW4231F-AS for use as a front door cam (shaded, covered porch area). As others have tried to determine, should I go 2.8 or 3.6...
  3. N

    Mini Dome/Wedge Wiring Question

    I will be getting a mini dome/wedge camera soon (namely, IPC-HDBW4231F-AS Starlight). Here is my wiring question for these wedge cameras. Is there enough space within the camera housing to keep the pigtail (and the ethernet connection coming from my home), or must the pigtail be routed outside...
  4. N

    Camera placement

    Actually, I just ruled out the 2nd placement. I was outside looking and thinking, and if I place a cam above the arch, it will have the porchlight right in its view. Not good. So, I'll just place it above the door as planned. I already had a cam there at one time (Arlo Pro), and the angle was...
  5. N

    Camera placement

    This is an image of my front porch as seen by my Ring doorbell cam. The porch area is roughly 5' wide and roughly 6' deep (deep being door to archway). Now, we like our Ring for what it is. But, I am going to be installing a Dahua cam in the porch area. My question is, how would you place the...
  6. N

    Dahua NVR Reboots during the day

    @Tygunn Just for clarification...should you upgrade the firmware and then reset to default, or reset to default then upgrade the firmware? Or, does it matter?
  7. N

    What is the deal with dahua NVR motion and skipped frames?

    OK...scratch my question about Andy/Empire. I just got an invoice from him a couple minutes ago! LOL! Damn, this guy is good!
  8. N

    What is the deal with dahua NVR motion and skipped frames?

    @aristobrat Thank you. I was just reading up on @Crazykiller 's solution/fix. That sounds somewhat reasonable. Keep me/us posted on how it works for you once you get a chance to play with that idea...any caveats, other cons/pitfalls of doing it this way, etc. Sorry for going a little...
  9. N

    What is the deal with dahua NVR motion and skipped frames? this a possibility (see...I'm still trying to think of a way to get the Starlights). Can you use the NVR to do full time recording like you stated (no MD, no IVS...just 24/7 recording), and use an SD card to do MD (not IVS events, but just basic MD)? That way, I could check...
  10. N

    What is the deal with dahua NVR motion and skipped frames?

    And this problem is what is going to keep me from getting Dahua. I was really impressed with the Starlight cams. I don't want to go the PC/BI route, as I wanted an NVR. And keeping things brand-centric is something I tend to do, anyway. Yes, the Starlights look MUCH better than other 4MP...
  11. N

    Already sent earlier today. :)

    Already sent earlier today. :)
  12. N

    Emailed you the items that I'd like, and will be patiently awaiting a Paypal invoice! Have a...

    Emailed you the items that I'd like, and will be patiently awaiting a Paypal invoice! Have a great day, good sir!
  13. N

    Dahua Starlight Varifocal Turret (IPC-HDW5231R-Z)

    Care to recommend a switch for this? I would "prefer" 8 port with 2 ethernet uplink ports (not SFP for the uplink). I'm doing some searching, but thought you might already have a recommendation. :) Of course, I guess I could simply go with a 16 port, and have some 'extra' ports on the switch...
  14. N

    Dahua Starlight Varifocal Turret (IPC-HDW5231R-Z)

    Thank you. I was just reading up about this (again...a couple years has passed since I first started looking into this). That's probably the route I'll go...non-POE NVR and a POE switch. I want access to the cam web interface, but I don't want to jump through hoops of connecting ethernet...
  15. N

    Dahua Starlight Varifocal Turret (IPC-HDW5231R-Z)

    In regards to the Starlight and using a POE NVR... I plan on using a Dahua POE NVR (not BI, etc with a POE switch). My question is, when connected to the POE NVR, can you still login to the actual camera itself, or do you need to power the camera differently (power adapter, POE injector, etc)...
  16. N

    IPCT Members Only Promo!

    Just sent the info!