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  1. C

    Openvpn, Blue iris and VPNbook , is this correct?

    1) I will look into wireguard the next days since this is an option on my modem. 2) I used VPNbook , since I thought this is neccesary to get acces to BI without using portforwarding. It says everywhere "do not open ports", but use VPN , after lots of googling I found that the easiest way were...
  2. C

    Openvpn, Blue iris and VPNbook , is this correct?

    Thanks for all the info. It is quite a forest you run into with this VPN. I probably have set it up wrong. What I did: 1)Install openvpn on the blue iris server 2)setup openvpn on the blue iris server with the VPNbook credentials 3)install openvpn on my android device 4)connected openvpn on...
  3. C

    Openvpn, Blue iris and VPNbook , is this correct?

    Thanks for the info, I see on my Fritzbox modem there is also a wireguard option , I will look into that. BUT, something is bothering me now. The idea is that my family is able to view the cameras, so I need to setup openvpn or wireguard on their phone. Does this mean that all traffic from...
  4. C

    Openvpn, Blue iris and VPNbook , is this correct?

    Hello all, Untill now I have opened a port to view my cameras remotely, finally I had yesterday the courage to look into VPN and set it up . not rocket science , but so many options . But it works. I have setup OpenVPN on the blue iris computer at home (windows 11) , with credentials from...
  5. C

    Hikvision Dome/eyeball camera unable to login

    @TonyR There is no model number written on it unfortunately , I even didn't know if it was a Dahua or Hikvision. I only know that it briefly showed up on the Hikvision config tool. It could be that it is this model: DS-2CD2332-I But not sure. Cable , since I connected the cameras directly...
  6. C

    Hikvision Dome/eyeball camera unable to login

    hello all , I have a Hikvision Dome Camera/eyeball camera which was working fine untill recently. But the camera is not reponsive anymore. I know the Ip adress. When I directly want to login via my pc with the IP adress , nothing , the webbrowser does nothing. The Hikvision config tool...
  7. C

    Camera lights on-off

    @mikeynags , thanks , that I was expecting but I don't see a difference when I click that light bulb on the app. Anyone knows what setting has to be on on the camera itself , or if Dahua even supports this? @bigredfish : maybe because you are using it as a security camera? ; I just wants to...
  8. C

    Camera lights on-off

    Hello all, I just installed a new Dahua Camera ( IPC-HDW2439T-AS-LED-S2 ) I was expecting infrared , but it has 2 bright white LEDS. Not so important and with half of the brightness of the LEDS it gives a good quality. But I don't want to have the lights on the whole night ( all this energy...
  9. C

    Audio white noise

    @wittaj : thanks for your answer . With the updates was what I expected unfortunately. The camera is connected with POE, can not really change any cables there. But I will disconnect the camera and try it somewhere else. thanks for the tip! Cornelis
  10. C

    Audio white noise

    Hello all, I have a Dahua Ip camera 4MP and noticed there is a lot of "white noise" coming from the camera. Initially I thought it is the wind , but it is too steady for that , my other cameras don't have this issue. It is difficult to reach this camera and can't look which type it is...
  11. C

    Android app update

    I had the same. on Ipad - webbrowser all worked fine, not on Android. The only thing I hadn't done is updating Blue iris over a year , and the app updated automatically yesterday. It seems the app is not compatible with the older programm anymore. When I renewed my licence and updated the Blue...
  12. C

    no signal in blue iris: DS-2DE2A404IW-DE3

    @ Fenderman: Thank you , First time I did it without giving the credentials in the camera configuration. I than inserted the credentials and did again a find/inspect. It seems the setup is not changed in Blue iris. I now deleted the camera and tried again, now I got a full list of all options...
  13. C

    no signal in blue iris: DS-2DE2A404IW-DE3

    Hello all, I just received this camera : DS-2DE2A404IW-DE3 , tried to include it in Blue iris , but I get there "no signal" I can view the camera via the webbrowser and blue iris finds/inspect it: But I get no picture in bue iris , it says :"no signal" , error 8000007a , (check...
  14. C

    Small camera to view via browser

    Hello all, For myself I use blue iris and very happy with it. My mother in law want 1 camera for the frontdoor , something like the "ring" you can buy nowadays. The doorbell itself is connected to another system , so I can't use the ring doorbell from nest or similar. I am planning to...
  15. C

    Save zoom presets on Blue iris with Dahua IPC-HDBW2831R-ZAS-S2

    Ah ... I see ..thanks I need to buy another than. Cor
  16. C

    Save zoom presets on Blue iris with Dahua IPC-HDBW2831R-ZAS-S2

    Hello all , I installed this camera from Dahua , has 8x optical zoom. I would like to make some presets for zoom. Other Dahua cameras with PTZ , I have an option on the Camera software to save and name presets , which are copied by Blue iris. I can't find anything like that on this camera ...
  17. C

    Switch on / off Infrared with http command

    Thanks, let me try that with my camera. Cor
  18. C

    Temporary solution cameras recording

    3 interesting options.. -that property over there bandwidth is not important, my home is bad , download I have max 5 mpbs, upload,0,5 mbps. not sure if that will work. - I will look into milestone xprotext and I spy if that works reasonable for recording for those 2-3 months. -The blue iris...
  19. C

    Temporary solution cameras recording

    Hello all , For about 2-3 months I need a camera setup at a place due to some unfriendly neighbours. it will only be for max 2-3 months , than it won't be neccesary anymore. The plan is, I take 2 cameras from my property to that other property. I still have my old unused I5 which I can use...
  20. C

    Switch on / off Infrared with http command

    Thanks, I just tried again. I do get a response in my browser: signal=green profile=2 lock=1 camera=Kitchen But no change in IR -light , when I switch it on or off in the GUI from the camera I do see the IR light comming on or off. What settings do I need to set in GUI of the camera? -in...
  21. C

    Switch on / off Infrared with http command

    I have just tried the codes , but no joy yet. I do get a reply from blue iris , like : signal green, profile 2 etc is the code correct "ptz=35" , is that not for a PTZ command? The camera settings , in profile management , which setting does...
  22. C

    Switch on / off Infrared with http command

    @ Jaydeel: Thank , will try that in the weekend. Not changing the IR to on/off , but the day/night mode, does that have other consequences as to only the IR? Thanks, Cor
  23. C

    Switch on / off Infrared with http command

    Greetings, I just installed a Dahua IPC-HDW4631C-A (has Onvif). I would like to turn on and off the IR with a http command , directly in the camera , or via Blue iris. This to controll the IR via my home automation. Does anyone know if this is possible? If yes , How to do this? Many thanks...
  24. C

    Battery powered camera wifi and works with Blue iris

    Poe 100 meters. The wifi only radiates for ca 80-100 meters, the problem will be the client, the power of for example your cellphone will not be enough to get to the wifi AP. So that will be the limiting factor. Cor
  25. C

    Battery powered camera wifi and works with Blue iris

    Got a couple of: Ubiquiti Networks - UniFi® AP AC LITE Ubiquiti Networks - UniFi® AP AC LR UniFi Mesh All connected with Poe and woks very well. Cor
  26. C

    Privacy masking on a PTZ camera

    No- one has an idea or option :-( Cor
  27. Dahua_ firmware

    Dahua_ firmware

  28. C

    Privacy masking on a PTZ camera

    Greetings, I just installed a new PTZ camera from Dahua (Dahua SD22404T-GN) , it has an awesome feature for the privacy masking. The area for privacy masking changes as well when moving the camera to another position. Just Aswesome! But I want it a little bit different again, hopefully there...
  29. C

    Battery powered camera wifi and works with Blue iris

    Hello all , Thanks for the replies. @bp2008 & @SouthernYankee : Outside , on most of my property I have wifi coverage, so I think wifi camera will most of the times work , ( got 8 ubiquity hotspots setup, when I drive by with my car, it automatically connects to the next one.) @pozzello ...