Search results

  1. Kn10

    NTP Server Best Practice?

    That did it. Thank you. I had to open up the port on my BI machine as per these instructions. I also had to press "Update Now" in Network time. My cams had the wrong time and I couldn't tell if the firewall rule was or wasn't working. Turns out Network Time had the time wrong since the first...
  2. Kn10

    NTP Server Best Practice?

    I have my Dahua cameras VLAN'd so they cant access the internet. But of course, without being able to access the internet NTP servers, the time tends to drift. I could open the ports so they can reach the internet NTP servers. Or perhaps set up an NTP server on the host BlueIris machine (which...
  3. Kn10

    Higher Resolution vs Higher MM Lens - At what point would you recommend one over the other?

    I may be wrong, but I feel like bitrate/compression is playing a greater part in the differences in that picture. Or the optical zoom in MM is vastly more than the benefits that higher megapixels (2 to 4) give. For example, the zoom in MM is more than double. I am not disagreeing with you that...
  4. Kn10

    Higher Resolution vs Higher MM Lens - At what point would you recommend one over the other?

    Yep, of course. I know "Enhance! Enhance!" doesn't work, you cant add any more data than has already been captured. However, you can capture twice as much data from 4MP to 8MP (during the day, and obviously there are other variables too). I guess the argument I am going for is 4MP optically...
  5. Kn10

    Higher Resolution vs Higher MM Lens - At what point would you recommend one over the other?

    This is a little bit about the theory, but to view a distant object clearer, you can either go higher resolution (to a point), or better optical zoom. At what point does one become better than the other? I have a target at around 18 metres away. I have a 4MP varifocal that can do 12mm optical...
  6. Kn10

    5.4.1 - April 3, 2021 - Support for DeepStack facial recognition

    What sort of picture was it? Past security footage? A Facebook headshot? Etc.. just trying to see what pictures work well with it.
  7. Kn10

    Suggestions for Far AND Wide Camera Setup

    Thank you for your reply. Its original intention of the existing camera was to just watch my side of the fence line and let me know if anyone hops the fence. But there was so much good drama OVER the fence that I now want to watch it. Got the cops wanting my footage from that camera on two...
  8. Kn10

    Suggestions for Far AND Wide Camera Setup

    So I have a location where a bit of drama has been happening over a fence facing a footpath and road. Armed robber running away from a crime, burglar hopping a neighbours fence, car crashes etc.. The existing camera has caught these on the very edge of its vision, but since its IR isn't pointing...
  9. Kn10

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    The UK did too. Its not all about American politics.
  10. Kn10

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Again, context matters. Disclaimer: As an Australian I don't have a horse in either side of this American race. I have no passion for one side or the other. But I see things from the outside in, so I believe I can see things a bit more as they are without getting emotionally involved. I don't...
  11. Kn10

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Context matters: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Joins Environmental Activists in Protest at Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s Office Pelosi welcomes activists when done the right way. Its part of democracy. One was AOC with some people with protest signs in 2018. The other was swarming the Capital...
  12. Kn10

    Can anyone ID this vehicle's make and model?

    Looking at some Google pictures it definitely looks like a Ford Freestyle. Features match up perfectly. Good spot @coney27
  13. Kn10

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    This is pretty much what happened to my state in Australia (the "locked in a basement" and "not being able to socialize" part). We had one of the harshest lockdowns in the world. First one was 50-ish days, the second was 111 days. Could only go to work if you were an essential worker...
  14. Kn10

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    My state of Victoria forced a mask mandate. Basically unless you are running/riding, you need a mask when you are out in public. Whether that's walking in a park or at the grocery store. Has to be a proper fitted mask too, not just a cloth or something. If the police catch you without a mask...
  15. Kn10

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    Don't let the white coats fool you into thinking this group has any credibility. This group has been debunked/discredited. Google "Front line doctors debunked or discredited". Choose whatever source you like. None of them are front line, nor qualified to be talking about Covid policy. They are...
  16. Kn10

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    Like most things, its a bit more nuanced than that. Whatever source you follow, most say around 1-3% chance of DYING in general. But here are the nuanced parts. One of the big concerns in most countries was Hospital overwhelm, that's what all the "flatten the curve stuff" was about. People say...
  17. Kn10

    Older i7 vs Newer i5

    Thank you. WIll check out the passmark scores. Was aware of the F's, which are even cheaper but obviously not good for this scenario. I'm jealous of American pricing. Hop on and see how much the usual recommend SFF's go for.
  18. Kn10

    Older i7 vs Newer i5

    8 cameras, mostly 4MP, All can use substreams. Not loyal to Intel, but thought Quicksync was a big benefit with BI.
  19. Kn10

    Older i7 vs Newer i5

    I am doing a new Blue Iris custom build and trying to decide on a CPU. In the Blue Iris specs, they recommend an i7. I can easily get a cheap Dell SFF i7 second hand for a great price (and I do understand the business SFF's are the best bang for buck in general). However, some modern i5's are...
  20. Kn10

    Unable to view cameras on 4G, only wifi works

    Does the ISP use CG-NAT? (Carrier Grade Network Address Translation). Basically IPv4 IP addresses are expensive because they are running out. So ISPs share a public IP address for multiple people, and give you an internal IP. This causes a problem when you are away from home and trying to...
  21. Kn10

    Thoughts on my proposed setup.

    Looks pretty straight forward. Remember that cameras won't stop a break in, it'll just watch them do it. I'd generally look at physical security first. As for them cameras, I would angle you towards better cameras, but as you said this is only a temporary install. The big issue is those have...
  22. Kn10

    Whelp... it finally happened to me

    Yeah, I was thinking the same. That sweater cut is very feminine.
  23. Kn10

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    I mentioned similar in an earlier post. Victoria locked down hard and forced a mask mandate. You get a warning and then you get fined for not wearing as mask. I also said that the US is obviously a different beast. Population and politics wise. The US obviously has a much larger population as a...
  24. Kn10

    This is a profile post, best make an actual post in the forums in the future so more people can...

    This is a profile post, best make an actual post in the forums in the future so more people can see it. Anyway, when I upgraded my version mine went to Evaluation version too. I reentered my licence and it worked. @KC_grown Previous versions of BI used to last well beyond a year. Apparently...
  25. Kn10

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    Apparently calls to helplines is way up. It's gotta have an impact on people. But apparently coroners data doesn't show an increase in actual suicides. The other states arent quite what you would call a lockdown, but there are restrictions on large gatherings and such. They are having very few...
  26. Kn10

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    Obviously Australia is a totally different beast to the US. Australia got onto it pretty quick so the numbers never rose to US levels, but Australia has been pretty full-on with our lockdowns and its working. One of the states, Victoria, had a hotel quarantine breach which caused that second...
  27. Kn10

    password reset

    Do it here: Hikvision Password Reset Tool
  28. Kn10

    Storage Utilization Settings ~HELP~!

    The pictures are so small they are unreadable unfortunately.
  29. Kn10

    Kids Throw a Cheese Stick at my Car (not my car)

    Would stick better if they unwrapped first :rolleyes: