Staff member
- Mar 9, 2014
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Windows is fantastic. Blue iris is great. If you had problems installing 4 it it's on you. if you foolishly upgraded to version 5 the day it was released that's on you as well. If you follow two basic instructions you will have no problem with blueiris.Man, I wished I had seen this thread.
You would have saved me major work.
I ran into it’s starts once, never again, can’t delete two registry entries etc. etc. etc.
My nephew asked my wife about recommendations on security cameras and software since his daughter’s bike got stolen, I told him to go to Costco buy coax cameras and a recorder bundled.
I am a retired Systems Engineer 30 plus years, and I find this a major job. When you start needing a dedicated IT staff support at home to run this, . well. That and fighting Windows 10, man, I miss Linux and that’s saying something.
The only way I got 4 to work was a restore, repeated, 5 times, this is before reading this thread.
I once got Blue Iris 5 working, somehow, but when I imported a backup of Blue Iris 4, Blue Iris 5 shutdown, never to restart.
Oh, I once got 5 working, damn thing told me to uninstall 4, I uninstalled fully , register entires and all, I just assumed 5 would have its own, silly me.
But I digress.....
Has anyone tried changing under “Sensor Motion” the Black and White, Cancel shadows, High definition setting?
While I had 5 briefly running I found if I checked off the settings they didn’t stick after clicking OK. It’s the reason I tried reloading a backup copy of 4 and 5 then disappeared never restarting nor could I restart the UI.
I’m waiting a month before even considering installing 5.
Why doesn’t this company allow some volunteers to pre test this finished product before releasing it to the public?
And a company Readme outside of an install with some of this information.
If I seem cranky you would be to if you stayed up into 4 AM screwing with this because the same computer runs Emby and I get the wife’s wrath, et al. when that TV service is down during the day.
Especially when I thought this would take about 15 minutes, that’s what I told the users, then my phone lit up.....thinking about my working days.
Many thanks for posting this.
First install blueiris on a clean dedicated windows machine using the Microsoft media creation tool.
Second wait at least the week before installing minor updates and two weeks before installing major upgrades.
The folks having these issues have not followed one or both of those instructions. It's really that simple. Yes you could have gone with a dedicated kit, then you would get calls about false motion alerts and inability to turn off alerts easily or disable cameras or any of the other faults you can read about at length with these kits including firmware updates going. you need to use common sense and be a smart and user.
I for one prefer having the option to upgrade, and not having to wait months before fixes and new features implemented. By way of one simple example when the 1831 PIR camera was released the audio talk function didn't work. A few emails between the developer and providing an access the camera and he pushed an update. By your logic I should have to wait weeks if not months for beta testing which would include other new features that others were asking for. That is backwards and direct contradiction to what blueiris is. There are many other VMS options on the market that will not allow you that option to upgrade and will make you wait months, for those who can't contain themselves and must install every update immediately I would recommend those, though there's no guarantee you won't have issues with them.