Blue Iris 4 to 5 Migration Guide

Looks like was released today. Wonder which bugs were addressed in this release and if the upgrade process is smoother now.
I unauthorized my BI4 system
Exported the registry settings
Installed a new Win10 Install
Installed BI 5
Imported Registry settings.

Everything seems to be working so far. I had to change a drive letter and I lost the database of alerts but kept all of the old videos.

So far it appears to be working and I am liking the GPU offload ability which I did not have before.
I have a 16 camera setup with a bunch of custom settings and triggers in BI4 and finally did the upgrade to BI5 today. My upgrade version was x64...

1) Downloaded from BlueIris
2) Installed BI5
3) Uninstalled BI4
4) Done

Honestly, it was that easy. No bugs or errors received and my mobile app and web server worked instantly after the install.

Upon further review, it seems that...
> Profiles are gone, easy 5-minute fix
> Sentry ID changed after uninstalling BI4, quick email fixes that.
> Since Profiles were reset, some tweaking to motion settings were required as I had different settings with different profiles.

Overall transition was pretty darn smooth. Sounds like either I just got lucky or fixed a bunch of issues others were having.
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Overall transition was pretty darn smooth. Sounds like either I just got lucky or fixed a bunch of issues others were having.

I think *.45 fixes some of the initial bugs, but still, the loss of profiles and reconfiguration of Motion on 16 cameras (per profile), is not simple/easy/a nice thing to have to do. I only have 6 cams, and the thought of re-configuring motion is putting me off upgrading again.

I've literally P2V'd my setup, and ill be taking snapshots before each release for a while now. I don't think I'll go live for a few months. was just released 20min ago.

Is there a repo where we can see the historical releases? Just downloaded and the EXE details tab in windows still says .45 . Don't want to install and test it so just in case as previous release had broken some stuff for me
It used to be that the BI developer kept an archive of all old releases (their update installers, anyway) on the web site, but this has long since been removed. Now you need to maintain an archive yourself either manually or using a tool like bp2008/biupdatehelper. In desperate situations, you can ask for specific versions and someone usually has a copy of the 64 bit update installer for it.
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Thanks.. I actually knew about the tool.. My question was actually more towards the BI website and to know which version is showing. As the time this post was updated with .46 I downloaded from their website and was still .45. And the file was still called blueiris.exe and thus was a bit confused.

I am guessing BlueWave got to know about .46 via the app update and not the website?
It never asked me, at least I didn't notice it. Version 5 is up and running for 2 days now and ios plus ui3 working fine. A little hiccup when I tried to upgrade to .44 (says I'm not connected to internet, I am) ran it with the update file and all good. I'm a little leary of uninstalling 4 with what I have been reading.
The reply I had from BI Sales was that on UNinstallation (of V4) it would ask me whether I wanted to save settings. It never did. However, after installing V5, an info box informed me they had been saved. I must comment however, that the differences between parameter inputs (the variety of check boxes, etc) for V4 and V5 are so huge that I don't see how they could be saved from 4 and applied to 5.
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I'm finding BI5's recordings on various cameras are randomly stopping and starting later, like the attached screenshot showing a block of recording missing on the timeline.

After double-checking the Profile and Recording setup, and a couple of database repairs, I'm considering either deleting all existing recording files to give it a fresh start and another chance, or maybe falling back on BI4 for a while. I sent in a support request to see if they have any recommendations, I'll give it until the end of Monday.

What's everyone else on BI5 seeing, if you've got a camera set to record continuously? Is it missing blocks of time, or is it stable for you?
I have s'thing similar with Motion sensor recordings. Supposedly the vid recording is supposed to trigger altho I see no instructions in the pdf on how to control the length of recording. Then (most clips are abt 20 secs) it records 2 seconds (as an example) of me walking to the gate, then I freeze for say 7 secs and suddenly i'm gone & my wife appears from behind the car and walks towards the house for 2 secs. She then disappears and the clips reaches the end (say 7-9 secs) with no further motion in the clip (even though retrigger is set at 3 secs).
Upgraded my second system this morning with the latest using teamviewer and everything went perfect. Just make sure to stop the service if you are running that and export your setting. Exporting setting was just a precaution and not needed for me.
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I have not used the BIUpdateHelper before. Would it be useful in this case switching major versions? Still able to use it to revert to V4 if V5 gets messy on me?
Didn't read the whole thread, but came here to say that my schedules were NOT carried over. Going to a backup with v4.