I have emailed 3 times on this issue (over several months time). My plan was active when I sent my first request in. I haven't renewed, as I haven't received a response or a solution to resolve it. To me, that's a logical coarse of action, I paid for the product, and have paid for support up till recently, expecting it to work isn't "expecting something for nothing". Why would you renew support for a product that you didn't receive the support you paid for in the first place? Why on earth would you keep paying if you didn't get it previously? I personally know others with active plans in the same boat I am. Please don't act like the "simple" steps have resolved it for all, as we know it hasn't. I really wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions or other things to try to help resolve the issue. I'm not trying to debate support plans, or your opinions. Just looking for useful things to try. I have followed the suggestions in the
wiki someone posted, and all steps I can find that are laid out in the pages and pages of posts on this issue. So far, all your responses are about why I'm wrong to ask for help on the issue and how you don't have the issue and it works for most others. I'm sure it works for you, I'm sure it works for most others. I'm just looking for anything else I can try to make this product that I really like and have used for years, actually work again for me. Short of buying all new hardware, I'm open to try about anything to resolve the issue.
I would really rather use this thread to discuss the technical issue at hand, instead of hijacking it for debate on how I'm all wrong to expect my product to work or even dare to ask for help. If you wish to continue on that path, just PM me so we can spare everyone else and let this thread stay on the technical issue.
On the RDP piece, anytime I use any of the 21.x series drivers that are meant for the Gen 7 processors, I get a full screen of blocks of pink and you can see "some" text through all of it, but it makes the environment mostly unusable. If it would even work for basic navigation, I would live with that issue just to have the
Blue Iris piece work. I'm open to ideas on how to get that resolved and just live with an old driver if that's what it takes. I have even tried various options on RDP, like disabling the acceleration options in Group Policy and a few other options with it to no avail. I'm considering just using VNC to access it, as that seems to work, but really goes down a path I would rather not do.
My Band-Aid currently is, I installed Process Lasso to restart the service every time it goes over 20% CPU usage, which happens pretty frequently at this point.
My motherboard is a Asus Z170M-Plus
CPU: Intel Kaby Lake, i7 7700K (not over clocked)
Windows 10 (latest flavor of cumulative updates applied)
32 Gigs of memory
This system also runs Plex Media Server as well. I have tried combinations of removing it, disabling it from using hardware acceleration as well. I also use it for a large amount of video conversions to HEVC format. None of the other products I use seem to have this issue when leveraging the Intel GPU hw features. Nor does it seem to matter if they are even installed on the machine or running when this happens on BI.
I tried all the steps listed in this wiki as well:
Memory Leak: Quick Sync (Hardware Acceleration) | IP Cam Talk
Suggestions for the for the 6x/7x processors doesn't apply to my processor, it's for other flavors that have the HD 4400 GPU (think that was it). I have rolled back to just about every flavor I can find without luck.
The suggestion for the gen 8 breaks my drivers in special ways. Nothing will work correctly with that combo on the drivers I have tried it with. There may be a combination that works. I just haven't found it.
I have tried several recent flavors of Blue Iris, but haven't went back more than a handful of releases before I gave up on that path. If someone knows a specific older one to try, I am open to trying about anything.