Blue Iris v.5 first thought/impressions

I plan on waiting about 3 months before upgrading. I do not need the trouble.
You lead you Bleed !
Just did my install and it seemed to go well, haven’t tested the UI server remotely but my iPhone app works great and all my settings transferred over. The interface has a much different color scheme but the layout is similar once I realize the alerts are just flipped.

I’m sure I’ll have more once I play with it a bit more and let it run in a bit.

I can’t wait to set it up on my remote system at the shop and see how that feature works.

Good so far!
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I noticed it lags a lot when changing settings. a lot of do you want to quit or wait for program. Gui is gonna take a little time to get fully adjusted.
It seems like a beta release and not ready for public release. Too many issues that should have been caught during testing. Ken probably has 100's of emails to respond to now.
Yea because all the "Tech support plans for the upgrade" Im guilty but I will just explore it. I did find that once I switched the decoding from default to intel system dropped in half. I don't recall ever being told that . I'm sure its the same for BI4
seems mainly like a cosmetic refresh it looks good. only problem ive run into so far is that i cannot get the motion detection settings to save. simple/Gaussian, high definition, cancel shadows, and black and white. Which ever one i choose it wont save and reverts back to default.
totally borked my system. Rolled back to V4 and cant even start V4 now, no errors nada. Glad I had a system restore point to go back to. All the profiles were broken, and http commands were failing using my old HTTP commands.

What a major fail from BI seriously.
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I was really hoping for a non-web based remote viewer (for the LAN, not across the Internet) that provided all of the functionality of viewing that the main BI UI does. I would have upgraded to get that functionality, without that, there is really nothing I see in v5 that makes it worth the hassle to upgrade.
  • I like the improved speed of the alerts date-picker, responds a lot faster than before.
  • The CPU usage looks to have dropped a bit, by about 5% to 10%.
  • Wish the 3 combo boxes showing on the top title bar (schedules, profiles, remotes) were an optional view, as I don't use any of them.
  • Wish the original Sentry alert icons would come back, as it's hard to spot them when scrolling the alerts list.
  • Am sorry to hear that others have had upgrade issues.
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I upgraded last night and I should have probably waited a while. The upgrade itself went smoothly, but the profile and schedule settings weren't transferred over. I then tried to roll back to BI4, which was a no go. BI4 continued to crash. After some fighting it I decided to reinstall BI5 and then import my registry backup /settings from BI4 (which worked for the most part). The only thing that is missing now are my http commands to change day/night profiles on my Dahua cameras. I'll have to recreate these today, which isn't a big deal, but I was surprised that these settings weren't migrated. Overall I wish that I would have waited to upgrade.
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Bought a second license so I cold have plenty of time to "play" before putting it on my dedicated Blue Iris server. So far, not impressed to say the least. Except for the UI, 99% of the rest is the same, which is a good thing because BI 4 is stellar. Fresh install on a lesser, i5 vs i7, Windows 10 PC than my dedicated server and other than BI using About 16% cpu vs 6% it seemed to work fine, no real reason to upgrade for most people. Installed on my main computer, Win 7x64,i7-3960X, 64 gigs of ram, OS on a fast pcie drive and things are not working right or not at all. Both where fresh installs, not an upgrade. Probably should have stuck with his original plan not to support Win 7.
I gave it a couple days, but pulled the plug on BI5 just now. I, too, had the initial installation issue where the settings disappeared after BI4 was removed - and then couldn't get either running. Fix is to delete the local_Machine/Software/Perspective folder in the registry (you will have to change permissions to 'full control' for admin to remove the 'a1' folder). After I got BI5 running with all the correct settings from BI4 imported, I had horrible console freezing issues. The screen images would freeze and not refresh. Console was still responsive - I could change settings, but the boxes for cameras and dialog boxes would get stuck on the screen. Only fix is to close and re-open console - but that only lasts for a few seconds.

Today I noticed 3 restarts of the BI service "unexpected restart" logged. I also noticed the my scheduled event to toggle IR on a specific camera was not being triggered. BI can toggle the IR manually, but the schedule event time comes and goes, and it doesn't fire.

So, for now, I've gone back to BI4. I stopped BI5 service, uninstalled it, and deleted the perspective software folder in the registry. I then imported the BI4 perspective software folder directly into the registry (from the regeditor). Finally, I installed BI4. It came up perfectly, just as I'd left it before trying BI5.

TL;DR: Not ready for prime time. I'm giving Ken plenty of room to work out his teething issues.
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As much as I would love to run the v5 stuff I just dont have the time to fix my system after ther upgrade kills it.
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If not already in place, perhaps it would be a good idea in the future to have a beta test period where select people get advance copies of the software to shake out the big things like we are seeing now.
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I believe there was a beta going around, just don’t recall seeing any real public conversation about it
I plan on waiting about 3 months before upgrading. I do not need the trouble.
You lead you Bleed !
I haven't been around for over a week.
After what I have been reading of all the headaches/greif BI5 has given users, I'll sit back and wait it out for a bit.
As someone else mentioned, I haven't the time to troubleshoot
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I myself like the new fresh look of the GUI. Sure I had some issues upgrading but I have been testing Bi5 for over a month so I was ready to take the plunge. I currently have upgraded 3 systems and the latest install build works very well ( and had very little trouble upgrading with it.
Is it ready for users who want to just click and! It's like any upgrade, be prepared for some tweaking.
It sure is pretty on a 2k monitor !
Feels more responsive on viewing clips and going through settings. I am not using no power horse computer ether (I5 3570K)
I have 0 crashes and 0 NO signals
It ONLY cost me 29.95 LIFETIME (well till next version) LOL
The help file is WAY better than V4
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