For any Christian in the Armed Forces or elsewhere that if facing vaccine mandate and might want to consider a Vaccine Exemption Form.
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That is the beauty of a supposedly free country. If you think the risks associated with the shortest vaccine testing and approval in history, with a totally new delivery method (mRNA), with limited positive results (less than 50% for me according to my MD), for a disease with a survivabiity rate of 98.5% or better, and now considerably better based on the number of cases, then you can take the shot, the follow up shot, the booster, and the daily pills that are coming.I can't imagine anyone having a good reason to refuse to take the vaccine.
I know there are plenty of people that won't take it, but it's always based on unfounded fear and/or conspiracy theories.
Assuming things is not good. The 50% effectiveness for me came straight from on of my MDs. He actually recommended, if I was going to get a shot, for another, more conventional (non mRNA) vaccine which is undergoing tests. I have never seen this other vaccine discussed in the news, never.As far as "limited positive results" go, it's clear that you have not spoken to any doctor in any practice/hospital about this. So I guess it is unfounded fear for you. I guess that is better than conspiracy theories. (Or perhaps you really do think the Government is tracking you through the vaccine).
45 years ago, when I was still in college, my father underwent gastric surgery. Several months later, his doctor told him it was vital that he get the swine flu vaccine. He did, and two weeks later, he started losing feeling in his hands and feet. It progressed to where he was hospitalized and on a ventilator. They diagnosed it as Guillain-Barré syndrome. He was about 58 yo at the time, and never fully recovered. He was a machinist, and never regained feeling in his hands and feet, and was forced to retire on disability. He required assistance with many things for the next 22 years of his life. If you do a web search you will see that the link between GBS and the swine flu vaccine is widely acknowledged. Atleast 2 of the COVID vaccines have also been associated with GBS. The medical community cannot tell us what the link is, so they cannot tell me it is not genetic. They will only say that any one individual’s chance of contracting GBS are miniscule. Tell me I don’t have a good reason for refusing the vaccine.I can't imagine anyone having a good reason to refuse to take the vaccine.
I know there are plenty of people that won't take it, but it's always based on unfounded fear and/or conspiracy theories.
45 years ago, when I was still in college, my father underwent gastric surgery. Several months later, his doctor told him it was vital that he get the swine flu vaccine. He did, and two weeks later, he started losing feeling in his hands and feet. It progressed to where he was hospitalized and on a ventilator. They diagnosed it as Guillain-Barré syndrome. He was about 58 yo at the time, and never fully recovered. He was a machinist, and never regained feeling in his hands and feet, and was forced to retire on disability. He required assistance with many things for the next 22 years of his life. If you do a web search you will see that the link between GBS and the swine flu vaccine is widely acknowledged. Atleast 2 of the COVID vaccines have also been associated with GBS. The medical community cannot tell us what the link is, so they cannot tell me it is not genetic. They will only say that any one individual’s chance of contracting GBS are miniscule. Tell me I don’t have a good reason for refusing the vaccine.
Assuming things is not good. The 50% effectiveness for me came straight from on of my MDs. He actually recommended, if I was going to get a shot, for another, more conventional (non mRNA) vaccine which is undergoing tests. I have never seen this other vaccine discussed in the news, never.
My wife tells me the Watchtower Society is promoting the vaccinesI am wondering ...
are jehovas wittnesses are taking the vac ??
they dont want blood from someone but shit from pfizer is OK ? hahah...
I appreciate the not being argumentative. Finding actual facts about this virus is tough. I don't buy what I see on most government or news sites. In the beginning, and even now, I hear how if everyone were vaccinated, this would all go away. Remember the "two weeks" line over a year ago? When the vaccine started to roll out, I don't remember anything about it not preventing you from getting and spreading the virus. Now it is apparent that it does one thing, and only one thing - reduces your symptoms. I have not heard that it makes you less likely to spread it, or makes you less contagious. So all of the hoopla about "the pandemic of the unvaccinated" is horse hockey.I'm not going to become argumentative here. If it dissolves to that, I will simply stop posting. It has never been my intent with these posts to be argumentative or talk down to people.
That being said, you only have to look at the current hospitalization numbers to realize the vaccine is much more effective than just "50%". If it was only 50% effective, there would be no statistical difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. In reality, unvaccinated people make up 90-95% of the COVID patients in the hospital. That's not chance. That's not random. That's proof the vaccine is effective.
In reality, unvaccinated people make up 90-95% of the COVID patients in the hospital. That's not chance. That's not random. That's proof the vaccine is effective.