Ok here's a video clip of the 4231EM-ASE and 1831E.
BOTH ARE AT THE SAME SETTINGS (Shutter @ 1/100, Gain 100, WDR 100) UNLESS NOTED.
INFRARED IS OFF ON BOTH CAMERAS! (much more difficult lighting situation than I would
normally have the cameras set to)
4231EM-ASE (Gamma @ 50, 3DNR @ 20)
Still Image:
1831E (Gamma @ 100, 3DNR @ 50)
Still Image:
I still think the 4231EM-ASE has a slight advantage (it can become MUCH brighter when you raise the GAMMA than the 1831E) but overall image quality is very, very close when you tweak the settings a little bit (just raised the Gamma and 3D NR).
I find it very interesting that you can raise the 3D NR so far. On nearly all of my other cameras, raising the 3D NR to values above 10-15 result in MAJOR GHOSTING in moving objects.
The 1831E can maintain a MUCH HIGHER NOISE REDUCTION RATE W/OUT GHOSTING. So, there must be some kind of new-fangled wizardry at play here. Very impressed.
Once again, this is running the 1831E w/ newest firmware that allows you to set the bitrate to 15104kbps (as opposed to the 8192kbps officially stated) and only @ 7fps (the 4231EM-ASE I ran @ 22fps and 10240kbps)
I definitely think this, hands down, outperforms the existing 8MP "Pro/Eco-Savvy" line of cameras. I would
personally, not buy any other 8MP than this one. And for that matter, any other camera EXCEPT the Starlights (and of course the ULTRA series, but who has that kind of dough ;-) )
@EMPIRETECANDY Any rumors about them making a Turret design? Anyways, here's hoping

P.S. - Just lost power here and when everything boots back up, neither this camera, nor the other 2MP, 6MP, Cameras hold their "Customized" bitrate. FYI
Has anyone done real comparisons w/ H.265 vs. H.264H to test image quality between the two? Because you can at least get decent frame rates out of H.265 at it's "Reference" bitrate as opposed to H.264H