I played around with frame rates and bit rates a bit today to try to get a feel for storage requirements for continuous recording. At 10 FPS, CBR @ 10240, and BI set to cut the bvr file at 4GB, BI was rolling the files every 66 min.
With the above settings, BI was showing a bit rate for the camera of ~ 1250 kB/s.
Changing the Bit Rate in the camera to CBR @ 4096 resulted in a bit rate for the camera in BI of ~ 550 kB/s, with very little in the way of additional compression artifacts.
Changing the Bit rate in the camera to VBR @ 10240, with Quality set to 6 (Best), resulted in a bit rate for the camera in BI of ~ 160 kB/s, with noticeable compression artifacts. The interesting thing though, was that when I did an extract (no re-encoding) from BI and looked at the video directly, the artifacts seemed less noticeable. This makes me wonder if the BI console doesn't do quite as good of a job of displaying a VBR stream as it does with a CBR stream.
I used virtualdub to copy a key (I) frame at each of the above bit rates from the video, and then used irfanview to crop out the same section of each frame, showing a pitchback net sitting in front of a cinder block wall, about 45' from the camera.
VBR @ 10240 (actual observed bit rate of ~ 160 kB/s)
CBR @ 4096 (actual observed bit rate of ~ 550 kB/s)
CBR @ 10240 (actual observed bit rate of ~ 1250 kB/s)
VBR looks like it would really cut down on the file size, but I feel it is a little too aggressive in its compression, even at its best quality setting.