Pulling my weight
Great.Looks good to me so far, i would just double check the checksum value as all my 3 cameras required i change both 04 and 05.
Just to be sure; I did double check the checksum value again and it turned out to be 0DB6 again (as expected).
Flip those numbers and location 04 becomes "B6" and location 05 "0D".
Since location 05 is already "0D"; I don't have to change that number.
Yep, you're right. I've found it and changed it to "02".0x8000C is way down in that file, if you scroll you will see the numbers on the left rising. When you get to 00080000 move your cursor over to the 0C column and you should see the offset at the bottom change to 8000c to verify.
I changed the first number to 2, so changed "00" to "20". I'm not sure if thats correct but it worked on all 3 of my cameras.
Just to be sure I did.Should be good to go, looks okay to me but you might want to wait for Alastair to verify.
Awesome. From not understanding a single bit about this to (about to) doing this hack.mtdblock6 is looking good, well done!
And as you have determined, mtdblock1 does need the tweak as well, in the location 0x0C and also in 0x8000C which as @markb has usefully advised is way down the file.
After you've done that and written tdblock6 and mtdblock1 back - you're good to go!
But I'll wait for tomorrow; it's 23:17 now and I want to do well rested.

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