Just want to get things clarified in terms of what should and shouldn't be.
System is 17-8700K 16Gb RAM 240Gb SSD 1TB SATA.
18 x 1080p 12fps iFrame 48
5 x 4K 12fps iFrame 48
1 x 1080p 20fps iFrame 20
1 x 4K 20fps iFrame 20
Total 1200MP/sec
Also note that as of right now, 2 of the 12fps 1080p cameras are removed due to camera issues and are awaiting replacement.
Running BI 4.7.4
GPU Intel 630 Driver with SDK File Patch.
Recording Direct to Disk Continuous. As of right now, I have all but 2 cameras have Limit decoding turned off.
Currently, right now the system is barely working. Takes around 5 attempts to get into RDP. Click on things takes about 30 seconds to do something and getting constant memory crashes. Screen constantly blanks out for 30+ seconds, basically, it's like trying to run Windows Vista on the original Atom processors
If you want bp2008, I am more than happy for you to remote in and have a look. Maybe you can see something that I have missed. Can't hurt to get fresh eyes on it.
Currently trying to turn Limit decoding back on to get the system usable again.