Problem solved.
There were two problems actually, neither of them were the Intel graphics driver. That was patched appropriately already.
Blue Iris had absurdly high memory usage relative to its camera load. Like, 1200 MP/s load with 22-24 GB commit size as measured by Task Manager. I stumbled into the solution to this one. Believe it or not it was the
Camera Properties > Video > Max Rate setting. Yeah. The cameras were mostly 12 FPS, with two at 20 FPS. But the Max Rate setting was in the 40-60 FPS range on all these cameras. Just on a whim I started setting those to appropriate levels and each one resulted in lower and lower memory usage. When all Max Rate settings were set to appropriate values, the commit size was down to 10 GB which is actually very appropriate for a 1200 MP/s load.
2) CPU usage was still too high when remotely viewing camera groups. This turned out to be
Blue Iris Options > Other > Scaling at fault. It was set to Bicubic, which is the slowest option. Viewing "All cameras" remotely resulted in 100% server load. After setting the scaling option to Fast, CPU usage dropped to 37%.
Now I'm off to update the
wiki page on optimizing Blue Iris performance.