I've been rethinking this a bit, and I've decided on another approach: I'll mount all of these in a place that is both easy to get to and there is no need for any to wiring or conduit. Basically, there are two ideal spots for a camera underneath my front porch archways that will have them mounted less than 8ft from the foundation, and right above the stucco is plywood that I can mount directly to using a toggle bolt or something similar.
I think what I'm looking to do is have two long range/license plate cameras that point down the street in both directions. Those cameras will be like this one:
Amazon.com: Loryta
IPC-T5442TM-AS 3.6mm Fixed Lens 4MP Starlight+ WDR IR Eyeball AI Network Camera English Version: Home Improvement
Then I will have four close range high resolution cameras for watching side gates and then both sides of the driveway, and I'm thinking maybe 4k with 2.8mm lens and 1/1.8" or bigger CMOS, ideally with bright LED lights and a mic, and some kind of alarm or otherwise having a speaker.
I've drawn cone shapes to indicate which ways the cameras will face, with that rightmost camera being behind the pillar
The gate cameras are out of view from here, but the right gate cam is the view I have been showing earlier in this thread, and I will have it mounted further up. It's only function is to get a good shot of anybody attempting to enter my back yard, or on the other gate, tampering with any of the utility stuff at the side of my house.
That left-most camera has the ethernet cable already added by the builder, so again no need for external wiring as I can just mount directly to the steel gang plate already there.
I think I might get a camera that can double as a wildlife camera for this spot, PTZ and all. Has anybody ever done this before? Does it work out well? Any software that can automatically set the PTZ back to its safe position after it hasn't been touched in a while? There's a nice mountain view in front of the house that I'd like to take advantage of, and having a good zoom range would be neat.
Any suggestions for what I ought to get for the close range cameras and/or the wildlife camera if I use it for that purpose?
Any other thoughts? Is this overkill? This is my first real attempt at making a comprehensive plan of my front yard.