OMG Thermal!

They are fun. I gave my cheapie EBay score one to a buddy with the goat farm. I may have to rethink one for the canal boat basin area …
And detecting warm dogshit... dont forget about that
Oh and urine too, watch the spot our dog left, lol

So in playing with this, I had it connected to a laptop in our Livingroom with family over. We were holding our hand on the couch leaving a heat image of our hands. We were doing all kinds of experimental things, can't leave you hand print on a dog, they are hotter than we are :), checking the heat image of our turkey, 8 year old grandson kept bringing things to try.

Sadly, my outside image, when installed, shows heat in places I did not want to see, like chest heat outlined like I was wearing a bra, hahaha, I am old, don't care, can laugh at myself, no problem...Oh and what is that red cross on my neck, it is Deer season, lmao...

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Oh and urine too, watch the spot our dog left, lol

So in playing with this, I had it connected to a laptop in our Livingroom with family over. We were holding our hand on the couch leaving a heat image of our hands. We were doing all kinds of experimental things, can't leave you hand print on a dog, they are hotter than we are :), checking the heat image of our turkey, 8 year old grandson kept bringing things to try.

Sadly, my outside image, when installed, should heat in places I did not want to see, like chest heat outlined like I was wearing a bra, hahaha, I am old, don't care, can laugh at myself, no problem...Oh and what is that red cross on my neck, it is Deer season, lmao...

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OMG!'s a Moobs least your bra does a good job of lifting and separating! :lol:
You guys suck.:lol: Now, you are making me shell out good money to Andy so I can have fun watching all the normally undetected critters running through my woods at night, too.......:thumb:
So, besides all the fun, hogs will be most sought after for me. Coyotes may be hard since they move like stray dogs. What I found in this very short time of having this Thermal CAM is the key for this working for me is to be able to identify what animal is in the heat image by watching their movements. Rabbits, easy to spot, skunks are low to the ground and move smoothly, like a big ant. Deer usually stand in one place for long periods of time, etc.

I walked out to our easement in the back, about 200 feet away, Thermal picked me up perfectly, the IR CAM only saw black, never saw me. I need to setup some IR Blasters to help it out. But only as a second footage to the Thermal. I am not using this CAM to post on National Geographic Mag. I just want to know what wildlife that I can't see that is rooming our property...of course mainly the ones that can harm our dogs or my wife's plants...

You are going to be in awe, my 5442 is/was great at 50-75 feet at night, past that it is pitch black dark. To have these new eyes is kind a exciting...

I bought the 3.5mm, the Thermal is not as wide as the Visual. Still wondering if I should of got the 2mm. I was use to the 2.8mm 5442 so that may just be it...
I got this one with the 7mm. I am going to hang it off of one of my covered deck posts pointing down at my creek bottom area off the side of the house. There is a lot of animal traffic down there 24/7. My old 30X Hikvision PTZ can see very well down there at night, but I don't want to leave it zoomed in all of the time in that area. I would rather the 7mm act as a triggering camera for my PTZ, to spin around and zoom in with it's IR lighting. When the PTZ isn't looking at the creek bottom area, I want to leave it parked, looking at my front field and drive way lane for any stray cars that get lost while looking at Google maps and decide to come up my 1/3 mile driveway to the house, all the while, driving past three "No Trespassing" signs on the way in. People don't seem to understand what "No Trespassing" means anymore.

Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 3.50.20 PM.png
You guys suck.:lol: Now, you are making me shell out good money to Andy so I can have fun watching all the normally undetected critters running through my woods at night, too.......:thumb:
You held out longer than I did!
So is this common with the Thermal when it rains?


EDIT: 12 hours later, still cold and wet but now Thermal has almost zero view.

EDIT: 24 hours later (Looks like it is clearing back up)
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Usually rain doesn't impact the thermal too much, but if the temps of the rain, air, and ground are all close, sometimes you get that to happen. It hasn't stopped mine from seeing and triggering for what I want it to though.
So I just checked and it is showing heat detections from our dogs, just not clear anymore. Thanks...
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Those appear to be TIOC deer...
Three-in-one-camera? TiOC

So we let our dogs out and our 9 month old saw the deer at the end of our pole easement and took off after it. She does this a lot, mainly squirrels, rabbits...
I see red and blue flashing deer... maybe just my screen..?
Gotcha, no you saw right, the Thermal has hot and cold spots, red for hot and blue for cold. I have tried to turn these Off and they show Off in the settings but as you see they still show. If you watch the Visual CAM you will see our dogs...
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Don't need to wrap Christmas lights around our trees, but wish I could get this Thermal to turn off the Cold / Hot Spot


Even tried to change the colors from Blue / Red to White

The older model I had didnt have that
The older model I had didnt have that
Hoping it is something I am doing wrong or a firmware update to fix it. As you saw our dogs were all lit up :), guess I can change the colors to red green for the Holidays...