Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Interesting ... who will buy the distressed companies / assets?

Video claims: China will profit from this pandemic
Appears to be a good summary of the topic:

Coronavirus: Why the US Isn’t Testing Enough People
•Mar 26, 2020

America Uncovered

As the coronavirus from Wuhan, China continues to spread across America, there's criticism that the US and Trump administration isn't putting out enough test kits. Why is it so hard to get test kits from the CDC? (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) And why is the CDC using their own test kit instead of the one being pushed by the World Health Organization? There's a lot of misinformation out there, sometimes even being pushed by presidential candidates like Joe Biden.

BASICALLY: 4 problems
1) Technical difficulties - test kits had 1-2 poor performing reagents. ( one reagent flawed )
2) Red Tape - FDA EUA ( Emergency Use Authorization ) law
3) Quality control - not all States have the ability to certify test kits / labs
4) Supply Chain problems. Broken in numerous places. Not enough PPE, needed for healthcare worker who administer the test. Not enough factories producing the kits. Swabs - not enough, most made in Italy. Biological supplies short. ...

Joe Biden claims:
stated on March 15, 2020 in a Democratic primary debate:
"The World Health Organization offered the testing kits that they have available and to give it to us now. We refused them. We did not want to buy them.”

New Yorker articles appears to have been used by the channel.
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From my local website...

Covid 19 testing
So I awoke Tuesday morning with a temperature of 101.8, didn't feel well at all,i'm75 years old with underlying health conditions,I call the Covid 19 Hotline for testing after 45 minutes on hold I spoke to a nurse(I think) she asked me a series of health-related questions and told me that I did indeed qualify for testing, she took down my information and told me I would be contacted by Suffolk County Board of Health with a date and time to be tested, well it's now Friday morning, still have a temperature only 100 now, coughing and feeling ill and still waiting for a call back from Suffolk County. Mr. Bellone you should be ashamed at the handling of this crisis, by your Government, just hope I don't die before they call me for a test.
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And here is a reply which seems to be the only answer for this poor fellow...

Hi I'm a nurse here in Suffolk and maybe I can shed a little light on the situation. The DOH and all the drive through testing and even SB are so slammed with patients that they are making appointments for 2-3weeks. If you come to a local ED we aren't going to test you unless you are unstable and we are going to admit you. There just aren't enough tests to go around. What we will do is send you home, tell you to monitor your symptoms by taking your temp twice a day. If your temp goes up to 102 or 103, you become short of breath, then you need to come to the ED. But as long as your temp remains low, you aren't short of breath, stay home, take tylenol for your fever, and drink plenty of fluids. Sounds like you are doing pretty well right now. I hope that helped, feel better soon.
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How was China able to get everything presumably under control? I don't want to hear the answer being a communistic regime. Do we not have the resources, being the wealthiest nation in this world? Where is all that money being invested? Our infrastructure is crumbling :( People need jobs
You're assuming they did....
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In New York, folks are flocking from the city to the Hamptons. Locals in the Hamptons want to block access to all non-essential vehicular traffic. Makes sense. Why would you want a potential virus traveling from Point A to Point B in a herd. Also, local supermarkets quickly sell out their inventory when outsiders go in to shop for essentials leaving locals without basic essentials.
I wanted to share this post my wife saw in this pharmacist group on facebook. My wife is also a pharmacist and her retail company will not allow their staff to wear any protective gear. I am attaching a screenshot of a post.


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How was China able to get everything presumably under control? I don't want to hear the answer being a communistic regime. Do we not have the resources, being the wealthiest nation in this world? Where is all that money being invested? Our infrastructure is crumbling :( People need jobs
The center is in wuhan, and China totally freezed Wuhan 9millons people can't go out of door, all transportation stopped. They installed cams in front of their houses and have security people at there 24hours everyday. China's house not like US, most of them like apartment, people if went to HONGKONG or Singapore will know well. All shops are closed even the supermarket. Here have to submit all your data to an APP that can show your ID card, where you live, where are you going in the past 2 weeks. When you go into any market have to scan this to show them the details. So in China there is no private data. Hundreds people put into prison because of not accept the isolation. US law not allow this.
This virus really need to wear masks, right now Europe healthy people also begin to wear masks now, this virus is very crazy, can stay in human's body for 4 weeks without any symptom, but will make spreading if you are near these normal guys, only 3 seconds can be infected. So that is why better stay at home, go to busy places wear masks. UK prime minister also can be infected, so normal people have to be very careful.
I wanted to share this post my wife saw in this pharmacist group on facebook. My wife is also a pharmacist and her retail company will not allow their staff to wear any protective gear. I am attaching a screenshot of a post.
This will destroy your medical system, if the doctors and nurses are infected, every city will be Wuhan.
This video shows how the Chinese doctors or nurses protect themselves. Wear them are Very very hot and tired. Show this to your friends who worked in hospital, esp for those who fight with the corona virus.
Frankly, in situations like these all forms of governments should take the necessary action to ensure that every individual is adhering to the necessary protocol in place (such as Stay at Home order).

The center is in wuhan, and China totally freezed Wuhan 9millons people can't go out of door, all transportation stopped. They installed cams in front of their houses and have security people at there 24hours everyday. China's house not like US, most of them like apartment, people if went to HONGKONG or Singapore will know well. All shops are closed even the supermarket. Here have to submit all your data to an APP that can show your ID card, where you live, where are you going in the past 2 weeks. When you go into any market have to scan this to show them the details. So in China there is no private data. Hundreds people put into prison because of not accept the isolation. US law not allow this.
This virus really need to wear masks, right now Europe healthy people also begin to wear masks now, this virus is very crazy, can stay in human's body for 4 weeks without any symptom, but will make spreading if you are near these normal guys, only 3 seconds can be infected. So that is why better stay at home, go to busy places wear masks. UK prime minister also can be infected, so normal people have to be very careful.