Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Haven't checked in here lately, but Covid Panda has not killed me yet.

We currently have the operating room crew evacuate the room while we do the higher risk, aerosol generating steps of intubation and extubation. One of my crew took a nice pict through the door of me about to extubate.

I can just do my work without even thinking about my Bunny Science Halo PAPR. The full hood and filtering protect me from generated aerosols. That lets me be safe in the room with my patient while everyone else is outside.

15 minutes later, the OR room air handler has removed 4 to 5 times the total room air volume and it is considered safe for my crew to re-enter the room.

View attachment 60373

Wife is now working in the Tampa area. She had to intubate a senior from a nursing home last night. No such PPE for her, unfortunately. Double-masked, goggles, face shield, gloves and gown. But no PAPR. She said they're using a plexiglass box that fits over the patient's head/neck, with permanent set of glove through the box - like a sandblaster station. The patient is not expected to survivie.
The HC thing is ridiculous. He had no place touting that (or any other) drug when he did. He should have just said there are several hopeful drugs and that his medical team would give details when there was evidence to show they helped. I'd love a simple and cheap drug to help, and so would every doctor out there, conservative OR liberal. Unfortunately, so far, every study I've seen that is properly controlled and vetted has shown little benefit or actually worse outcomes with HC. And it looks like combining HC (which has cardiac implications) with Azithromycin (which also has cardiac implications) is a double whammy that amplifies the possibility of cardiac problems. And unfortunately the first big Remdesivir trial isn't looking good either -in China the study ended due to low enrollment but the data they had so far wasn't great, other studies still going on ( Gilead Sciences Statement on Data From Remdesivir Study in Patients With Severe COVID-19 in China ). I don't hear the right wing establishment panning the media for reporting that bad news... why not?

Other than the uncontrolled VA report on the last-stage already incubated patients. Please link all the others(plural), with negative outcome that you say you’ve seen, for us to read ourselves. Thanks.

Did you watch that video that Mat200 posted by that Doctor who researched the HCQ cardiac issue? It’s so insignificant as to be almost nil.
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Other than the uncontrolled VA report on the last-stage already incubated patients. Please link all the others(plural), with negative outcome that you say you’ve seen, for us to read ourselves. Thanks.

Did you watch that video that Mat200 posted by that Doctor who researched the HCQ cardiac issue? It’s so insignificant as to be almost nil.

The one with the most data so far that I have seen is this one, which I posted on April 15 in post 2787:

In short, very sick patients in France. I think 181 total patients, split into HQ cohort and standard of care cohort. No clinical benefit from HQ, about 10% of patients had to be removed from the HQ therapy due to cardiac issues.

There was another one I posted a week or two before that, but I discounted it because it was very few patients (maybe a dozen). Someone with better search skills than me might find it (I did a quick scan of "my content" without quickly identifying it; I had provided the link in my post at the time. It was similar no benefit from HQ. I referred to it on April 8 (post 2535) so I know it was before that. I invite you to look for it but don't have time.

There was also a misinterpreted survey that made the rounds maybe a month ago or a bit less, I didn't save the link but it is in this thread somewhere (I didn't post it and don't have it handy--on a PDF with lots of purple and maybe green as I remember? ring any bells?) where a bunch of doctors were surveyed about what they felt the best treatment was going to be. HQ led the pack, but just barely more than "no treatment" and "standard of care" and the survey data were taken from a time when HQ was all the buzz. No actual patient data or differential outcomes were cited; the survey just said a bunch of doctors thought HQ would wind up being the best thing. This was misinterpreted to mean that these doctors were both actively using the drug and getting favorable results.

Also there are a lot of controlled studies going on that might show a benefit, even if some early ones don't. As I've said, cheap and easy treatment, I'm in.
Here is a trial for using HQ in early stage COVID-19, enrolling now I think:
Hopefully this will show effectiveness.

Look, I'm a data guy. I follow the statistics to make decisions. I have no political agenda regarding HQ effectiveness.

There is one "not data yet" thing that makes me seriously question HQ effectiveness:
Lots of people around the world are trying it. Studies that show a strong positive signal versus other treatments will routinely switch more people into the treatment arm if it seems to be the right thing to do for the patient. I haven't heard of this happening at all. If HQ were so great, I think we would have heard about it by now, with tens of thousands of data points. Forget the US political angle, in Europe and Asia they don't care what Trump said. If the treatment were that effective, everyone and their brother would be telling us. The fact that I'm not hearing this leads me to believe any positive signal from HQ is small.

Oh, a PS: I'll be less active here for a few days due to work and personal issues; don't worry I will pester you with my liberal views later in the week.
The one with the most data so far that I have seen is this one, which I posted on April 15 in post 2787:

In short, very sick patients in France. I think 181 total patients, split into HQ cohort and standard of care cohort. No clinical benefit from HQ, about 10% of patients had to be removed from the HQ therapy due to cardiac issues.

"We used data collected from routine care to emulate a target trial aimed at assessing
the effectiveness of HCQ for patients hospitalised with a COVID-19 infection and requiring

Maybe when you are too far gone it's an indication that HCQ is not your magic bullet.....

Maybe it's not the HCQ causing the cardiac issues....maybe it's the heart working overtime because it's trying to get oxygen to the right places because oxygen levelsin blood are low...

Maybe HCQ is beneficial in the first 10 days of contracting Covid-19 (plus Z-pak plus Zinc, etc.)...

Maybe they need to continue to study whether or not it's beneficial or not

Maybe libs should not get their panties in a wad everytime their TDS gets triggered....

IDK...a lot of maybe's in there.....
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"We used data collected from routine care to emulate a target trial aimed at assessing
the effectiveness of HCQ for patients hospitalised with a COVID-19 infection and requiring

Maybe when you are too far gone it's an indication that HCQ is not your magic bullet.....

Maybe it's not the HCQ causing the cardiac issues....maybe it's the heart working overtime because it's trying to get oxygen to the right places because oxygen levelsin blood are low...

Maybe HCQ is beneficial in the first 10 days of contracting Covid-19 (plus Z-pak plus Zinc, etc.)...

Maybe they need to continue to study whether or not it's beneficial or not

Maybe libs should not get their panties in a wad everytime their TDS gets triggered....

IDK...a lot of maybe's in there.....
Read my original post and various follow ups. I remain hopeful HQ and other treatments will be effective earlier in the disease progress. I even cited trials looking at this.

The cardiac signal only seemed present in the HQ arm, but yes the pretty far gone patients could be more sensitive.

Here's a deal: I (liberals) don't get my panties in a wad when positive data comes out, and you (Trumpies) don't get them in a wad when negative data comes out. Let's let the science decide, ok? In a few weeks I expect lots of global and US data to be out there for the picking.

But fair warning: I've got an unfair advantage: it's hard for a thong to get in a wad!

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Oh I found the other study I mentioned:

This is a small study (11 patients) which is why I discounted it; it solely looked at viral clearing and in this small sample didn't see any strong effects. They also referenced this controlled study which didn't find statistical differences in non-severe (at the start) patients between HQ and control arms:

For the record the Chinese study is not claiming definitive results; they call for larger studies to gather more data.
Look, I'm a data guy. I follow the statistics to make decisions.
I'm the same. Irrespective of your politics, race, religion, nationality or favorite sports team if you say something sensible backed by evidence and reason then I'm likely to agree with it even if I don't like you or are not in my "tribe".

I'm also prepared to change my mind as different facts come to light or I simply realize I was wrong. Just like everyone reading this some of my views and opinions are likely not correct or could use some refinement.

Critical thinking = good
Confirmation bias = bad
Oh I found the other study I mentioned:

This is a small study (11 patients) which is why I discounted it; it solely looked at viral clearing and in this small sample didn't see any strong effects. They also referenced this controlled study which didn't find statistical differences in non-severe (at the start) patients between HQ and control arms:

For the record the Chinese study is not claiming definitive results; they call for larger studies to gather more data.

Either way, Its just the insanity to push the Trump connection to this so hard. And it is the Left media that did and is doing this. Do you really care that much that he mentions a possible drug that "Might" work, and just get so technical saying he should have let the Doctors mention it. That is insanity. If you watch the video from the first day he mentions it, he said "Maybe Not" in regards to it being able to help.
Why do you mis-quote the content?

Some 80% of its vaccines are exported and, at an average of 50 cents a dose, they are some of the cheapest in the world.

it’s in reference to how much they are sold at a premium in other countries. Not all health insurances cover the total cost of vaccines. I almost had to pay $50 back in January of this year and that too for a vaccine required to maintain a job. Miscommunication between the HMO and practitioner is at a all time high

Yeah this coronavirus vaccine will probably cost $1 to make :lmao:

If 80% of their vaccines cost 50 cents to make then this new vaccine will follow the supply and demand model and may potentially cost far less than we think
Either way, Its just the insanity to push the Trump connection to this so hard. And it is the Left media that did and is doing this. Do you really care that much that he mentions a possible drug that "Might" work, and just get so technical saying he should have let the Doctors mention it. That is insanity. If you watch the video from the first day he mentions it, he said "Maybe Not" in regards to it being able to help.

It's all part of the destroy Trump campaign--right or wrong (WRONG), it's the liberal strategy and they're sticking to it. The media is trolling the intellectually challenged.
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it’s in reference to how much they are sold at a premium in other countries. Not all health insurances cover the total cost of vaccines. I almost had to pay $50 back in January of this year and that too for a vaccine required to maintain a job. Miscommunication between the HMO and practitioner is at a all time high

Yeah this coronavirus vaccine will probably cost $1 to make :lmao:

If 80% of their vaccines cost 50 cents to make then this new vaccine will follow the supply and demand model and may potentially cost far less than we think
No you said that a vaccine is forthcoming at a cost of 50 cents.

What followed upon challenge... well that's probably what you should have written in the first instance.
I may have gotten too excited when I stumbled upon this developing news :D

The most vulnerable (i.e. immuno-compromised) should probably be treated with a vaccine as a preventative measure (at the same time being those currently hospitalized should probably be prioritized in the trials that are to come). It will be interesting how things turn out in the coming weeks ahead. Don't think it will follow the normal vaccine deployment timeline. This one will likely be an exception. Vaccines have become a hot topic in recent weeks from people for vaccines and people against vaccines. At the moment, we can only rely on evidence-based research. Not everyone seems to be convinced. Its a difficult time. However, this is very subjective, but at least we have the freedom to decide what we want to put in our bodies (i.e. taking a daily multivitamin with food everyday along with following CDC guidelines). :)

No you said that a vaccine is forthcoming at a cost of 50 cents.

What followed upon challenge... well that's probably what you should have written in the first instance.
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