If they can do it, then everybody can as well. However, China has already been accused of covering up a percentage of their cases, especially when they added 50% more cases in Wuhan shortly after hearing the number of cases explode in New York City.
Almost 20% of Americans are unemployed. I tried applying as a contact tracer, still haven't gotten a response. Its only a matter of prioritizing. I'm still struggling to grasp the extent of cases in India. Apparently, there's been under-reporting by the second most populous nation on this Earth. However, sources say they got the least severe virulent strain
RE: "If they can do it, then everybody can as well."
Well, if it is physically possible to do it, and I'm sure it is, there's nothing stopping anyone else from doing it. Except:
-Cost: Testing ten million people costs on the order of a billion dollars (in the US). For China it's a non-issue; if it's a priority for them they spend what it takes. There would be an outcry in many other nations about whether or not it was a good use of funds, with political implications. Again, non-issue in China.
-Resources: The materials needed to assemble the kits and process them is substantial. Much of that raw material comes from... you guessed it... China.
-Effort: To test a 1.1 million people a day, including a significant group that are non-mobile and impractical to move to a testing center, takes an army. I'd estimate 20,000 people at a minimum would have to be deployed to collect the specimens. To concentrate that many trained people in one place at one time takes effort.
-Compliance: I can only imagine if in the US someone said there was going to be mandatory testing for ANYTHING. Jeez, we have anti-vaxxers who won't get their kids vaccinated to send them to school. There would be riots by those that were convinced it was a violation of the constitution (maybe they would be right, I'm not sure), plus conspiracy theorists certain they were going to be implanted with trackers or mind control devices or whatever. In China they mostly just assume good intentions and go along with it, plus there are coercive things like social scores and such, plus the gov't can compel on threat of jailing for everyone to comply. In US/other countries you've got lots of people that would be AFRAID to take the test for fear they would be positive and be forced to quarantine until they test negative, because we have a crappy system for handling sick workers that penalizes them for being sick.
I'd love to see the US do this nationwide, minus the "100% compliance" angle. Make it voluntary or even give everyone who does it a $10 break on their taxes or whatever to incent people to do it. I think you'd get enough compliance on a voluntary/incentivized approach to gather great data that would dramatically reduce the scale of the spread. Anyone with a positive test could be eligible to get an immediate retest because the false positive angle is significant. There would also be some false negatives; the testing isn't perfect. But it would be helpful.