Colloidal silver is nothing but pseudo science horse crap pushed by people with irrational beliefs.
Lots of things that never worked were used in the old days before modern solutions. Heck, they even used to drain your blood to get the evil spirits out.
Desperate people tend to believe anything that gives them hope or provides an escape from reality and facts to induce the illusion of comfort. We have entire billion (trillion?) dollar industries based on this scam.
No hospital in the USA would ever use colloidal silver for any medical condition.
Some folks don't trust or believe in science... and they frequently get on the internet to complain about it. Irony eh?
Lets see.. we have anti-vaxxers, people who think 5G is going to be the end of us all, people who think 911 was an inside job, horoscopes, tarot cards, talking to dead people, bigfoot, chem-trails, faked moon landing, some youtube idiot who made a bunch of people think the school shootings are faked, FEMA Slave camps, some organization called the Illuminati, essential oils, fluoride, and more others than I can think of.... and we're not even counting the thousands of different invisible sky fairies.
Sometimes I wonder how the human race still here....
China's Hubei, epicentre of coronavirus, extends work suspension to March 11
BEIJING/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China’s Hubei province on Thursday asked firms not to resume work before March 11 due to the coronavirus outbreak, saying only businesses involved in epidemic prevention and control or necessary public services would be exempt.
China's Hubei province on Thursday asked firms not to resume work before March 11 due to the coronavirus outbreak, saying only businesses involved in epidemic prevention and control or necessary public services would be exempt.
They are seeing many birds dead in the city which they blame on too much disinfectant being used. However, they are also finding dead wildlife - wonder what excuse they'll come up with for that! In order to protect CCP the officials have totally mismanaged this whole outbreak.
Colloidal silver is nothing but pseudo science horse crap pushed by people with irrational beliefs.
Lots of things that never worked were used in the old days before modern solutions. Heck, they even used to drain your blood to get the evil spirits out.
Desperate people tend to believe anything that gives them hope or provides an escape from reality and facts to induce the illusion of comfort. We have entire billion (trillion?) dollar industries based on this scam.
No hospital in the USA would ever use colloidal silver for any medical condition.
I'm sorry but I'm going to disagree with you there. The NHS funded Silver Colloidal dressings before the EU banned it.
When they were banned by the EU, I understood it was said there was no benefit (other than to the drug companies as they were getting charged huge amounts - I believe a nurse told us @£40 per dressing).
However, my own mother had these used on wounds and prior to the ban I was able to purchase silver coated plasters (Elastoplast type - unsure if that was the brand or other), over the counter for less than £5 per 20. In my opinion that really brings the alleged NHS costs into question.
I can tell you categorically, they made a huge difference to healing both to her ulcers and to my wounds. When used on minor cuts which would typically take 5 days or so to heal, I found the cuts almost completely healed within 24 hrs and totally healed within 48 with barely a mark. There was never any infection. Her ulcers showed dramatic improvement in healing although not as fast - even the nurses acknowledged it. Conspiracy theorists say it was the drug companies that got silver banned because it had the potential to affect the sales of expensive and lucrative antibiotics. Officially it's safety. I can't comment on the former and on it's safety beyond saying it was used in the old days and my understanding is that those who have argentia, usually get it through extensive use eg: drinking a litre or more daily as a preventative. I believe there are reports of Royals in the old days being known as blue bloods because they sometimes got it on their lips through using silver cutlery at every meal. All I can say, is my own experience suggests it works. How safe it is may be another matter, but I don't personally believe there's any huge risk from eg an occasional dressing. As for coronovirus, yes taking it in large amounts might be more risky, but if everything else has failed, what have you to lose? Hospitals might as well gamble when antibiotics fail infected patients. Dead or blue or the risk of other side effects, the hospitals choice (with consent) and even the latter isn't a cert.
Just for completeness, argentia, although this guy drinks HUGE amounts daily - interesting story and his wife isn't blue despite saying she also drinks it:
Protesters attacked a convoy of buses carrying Ukrainian citizens and other nationals evacuated from the Chinese city of Wuhan, injuring nine police officers and one civilian on Thursday, the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs said.
The latest (9th) case in Canada is a woman in British Columbia who traveled to Iran, not China. She commented that at the airport in Tehran many people were wearing masks.
Health officials called the surge in reported infections “very worrisome,” as cases soared in South Korea. Europe and North America reported a big uptick in infections.
This is turning out to be a "true" global pandemic. No consistency in screening procedures. This is going to create a dent on global commerce. Get ready for some inflation.
"..Sat Feb 20 20 warm welcome to a video I was hoping to not to have to make I do conclude now that we are in the opening stages of a Pandemic... " - Dr. John Campbell
UK NHS official:
"Our world-class NHS is well prepared .. " ( for the COVID-19 )
"..absolute non-sense.. we are not well prepared.. " ( to deal with a inflow of serious cases of COVID-19, some which will need a bed with respirators ) - Dr. John Campbell
City of Costa Mesa has sued in US DIstrict Court the USA, US DoD, Depart of Health... , CDC, USAF, State of CA,...
For a temporary restraining order ... from: transporting persons infected with or exposed to the Coronavirus to any place within Costa Mesa... until an adequate site survey has been conducted and the designated site has been determined suitable... all necessary safeguards and precautions have been put in place and the public and local government have been informed of all efforts to mitigate the risk of transmission of the disease.
Defendents intend to relocate from 35-50 patients already diagnosed with the Coronavirus from a secure location... to Costa Mesa ..The Defendants' plan was announced at the eleventh hour, with no efforts to include local government leaders or local health officials.
Anybody a little concerned about the "no contact with China" outbreaks that seem to be cropping up world wide? I suspect it's actually from China the problem is tracing the route, who passed it to who until some infection shows up. This is not a good sign at all.
Quick sampling of this video from UofW Depart of Global Health
Surge Capacity question ( 1:52:x + )
"back in 2006 we did some modeling to look at what a severe 1968 like and a 1918 like pandemic would do to our health care system in Kent County .. a 1968 like Pandemic would require 40% additional hospital beds .. a 1918 would be over 200% .. no hospital system in the world would be able to meet that demand without drastic changes on the way we deliver healthcare .." - Jeffrey Duchin, Seattle & King County Public Health