Getting comfortable
Next week they will say long covid makes you fumble your words. Also shake invisible hands in the air..
You would think she wouldn't admit to lying but I guess she has the elite attitude of "screw you, we know what's best for you little people".More evidence that the whole mask, social distance thing is nothing but BS, from one of the primary creators and promulgators of it -
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
"He Finally Got It" - MSM
Tylenol and NyQuil for the win
Another reason for LEGAL immigration, to vet all those coming into the country are fully vaxed with these long time fully tested vaxes for stuff like this. I would like for them to disclose if this person was a US citizen, and if not, how they got into the country with polio.It was a pleasure was a pleasure
Polio found in Rockland County; vaccines urged to fight virus
Those who aren't vaccinated or not fully vaccinated, or those at risk for complications from the disease, are urged to get the polio
I wanna know....when are we going to start prosecuting these MFers? No, we don't prosecute them, instead, we buy their fucking books and make them rich while they laugh all the way to the bank......
Dr. Deborah Birx: I knew shots would not prevent COVID infection * WorldNetDaily * by Art Moore
... Read
Good luck getting that info from Governor HiccupAnother reason for LEGAL immigration, to vet all those coming into the country are fully vaxed with these long time fully tested vaxes for stuff like this. I would like for them to disclose if this person was a US citizen, and if not, how they got into the country with polio.
Speaking of Chief Justice, I wonder who will be the next CJ? It's GOT to be one of the Constitutionalists, right?Chief Justice Roberts
Oooppps! Just read how the CJ is chosen. Crap. Nomination by President, and affirmation by the Senate.^^^ Optimist