Can't imagine how much toxic CO2 one inhales back in after an 8 hour day of wearing a mask...I really feel for these workers...I know this is preaching to the choir, but it's a good analyses, including a peer reviewed study, of the ineffectiveness and damage, medical damage as in a 50% increase in CCP Virus death rates -
Horowitz: New study finds masks become disgusting bacteria traps as mandates continue
No sane layman, much less a doctor or scientist, could have thought hanging moist cloths from people’s breathing holes for hours on end in the heat wouldn’t become traps for bacteria and fungi. But shockingly, it has taken two years for a major study to be conducted affirming the obvious.
Harmful Effects of Rebreathing Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - Oxy2Mask
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a gas the body naturally produces as waste. We breathe in oxygen (O2) to fuel organs and tissues and the end product is CO2. The balance between these two gases is required for a healthy body. However, when we rebreathe CO2 it can have harmful and sometimes dangerous...