Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
I've got to wonder what the "curves" look like for suicide, drug overdose deaths, domestic abuse/assault, child suicide and so on look like? Heck, the number of traffic deaths seems to be way up because everyone is speeding, like lunatics, since there's significantly less traffic. Hit and runs are occurring multiple times, daily in our area and have increased significantly.
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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More from the crowd who can't speak plainly and have to use 16 paragraphs to say what could be more directly stated in 2 sentences, ....because, they're full of shit

“We Hadn’t Really Thought Through the Economic Impacts” ~ Melinda...
Here is what she says:

You can project out and think about what a pandemic might be like or look like, but until you live through it, it’s pretty hard to know what the reality will be like. So I think we predicted quite well that, depending on what the disease was, it could spread very, very, very quickly. The spread did not surprise us.
What did surprise us is we hadn’t really thought through the economic impacts. What happens when you have a pandemic that’s running rampant in populations all over the world? The fact that we would all be home, and working from home if we were lucky enough to do that. That was a piece that I think we hadn’t really prepared for.[/QUOTE]

What Has Lockdown Done to Us? By Drew Holden (New York Times):
Some researchers worry that the social isolation has inflicted damage to mental health that will outlast even the worst of the pandemic. We may not have a full accounting of the consequences for years to come….There will be significant long term consequences from school closures as well. About half of the country’s school districts held remote classes, either exclusively or partially, at the start of the year. This approach has meaningfully reduced educational quality, particularly for children of color.
These losses don’t even take into account the direct effects of the lockdowns on the economy. Small businesses have closed their doors at very high rates as the American economy sputtered in response to stay-at-home orders. One study estimates that 60 percent of the millions of jobs lost between January and April were a result of the lockdowns, not the virus itself. The economic uncertainty caused by unemployment comes with its own health risks….
These tragedies have become an ambient backdrop to everyday life: present but forgotten, real but ignored. Perhaps America has simply gotten comfortable ignoring the quiet suffering of others.


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Why you can not trust main stream media, which has consistently gotten so much wrong in this Pandemic since I have been following it.

Media: Ignorant or worse? Hit pieces on Nation's Best Doctors taken apart.

Good enough for India.. yet not for the USA as per the NY Times....

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Getting comfortable
Mar 25, 2018
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Initial jobless claims today 850,000
Ongoing claims 5.7 million
Jobless 20 million
Real jobless closer to 35 million
Jobless yes, dead no. Yesterday we lost 3000 Americans, more than on 9/11.
And tomorrow and every day for the near future will be no different for this record setting death toll.
Very sad but true.


Getting comfortable
Mar 25, 2018
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Not disputing that, but locking people in their home, losing those jobs and businesses, isnt helping the numbers is it?
Yes, this is also tragic - unemployment numbers are thru the roof.
But this is not a wall street black friday scenario, no one died from a pandemic stock market drop - this is life or death choices.
Do you take your kid to the playground with others? Have a drink at your favorite bar? Attend the Sturgis bike rally?
All things we want to do, but at what cost among potential covid carriers?
Some are unemployed, some are dead.


Getting comfortable
Apr 9, 2019
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next will be a liberal bill to deal with the pstd that the china virus conflicted upon the masses.


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
The potential of the vaccine is good news without question, assuming no side effects appear further into the future than testing has found so far. But what about prophylactic treatments? India seems to be making some effort as posted above. Here, it seems if you test positive you're sent home to isolate until you get sick enough to need hospitalization. But there are other medications being used, and studied, with some success. I'm not talking about some new, exotic, drug designed for SARS2, the real group of the CCP Virus, but established drugs with long track records that have been safely used for many years. Ivermectin seems to have some possibilities in reducing the effects of the virus when given during early diagnosis, but no one, CDC, FDA, MSM or anyone, talks about the studies going on. Why is that? Maybe it's because it makes the CCP Virus less threatening. Maybe it's because the profit level isn't high enough for everyone involved, big pharma, the government and the bureaucrats that get a piece of the action. Beats me, but in this case ignorance isn't bliss.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Yes, this is also tragic - unemployment numbers are thru the roof.
But this is not a wall street black friday scenario, no one died from a pandemic stock market drop - this is life or death choices.
Do you take your kid to the playground with others? Have a drink at your favorite bar? Attend the Sturgis bike rally?
All things we want to do, but at what cost among potential covid carriers?
Some are unemployed, some are dead.

I dont think you get the point. Some evidence would point to not having to kill economies as the difference between doing so and not has little effect on the spread, and certainly almost none on the deaths. Some think the only way to curtail deaths is to kill economies. Others think, like me, that the "cure" of killing economies is ultimately worse than the disease
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Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
There have also been multiple studies, peer reviewed and published in places like the Lancet, showing that lock downs, even extreme lock downs, have no real effect on the spread. Lock downs may slow the spread, note the word "may", but death rates for other things, suicide, violence, drugs, alcohol and other causes, seem to increase dramatically under lock downs.


BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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Follow the science. Lock down the elderly and vulnerable. Let the younger and healthy (who are at almost zero risk of dying) keep the country and their livelihoods alive. Any healthy person who wants to lock down is welcome to, but sorry, no pay for you.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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The potential of the vaccine is good news without question, assuming no side effects appear further into the future than testing has found so far. But what about prophylactic treatments? India seems to be making some effort as posted above. Here, it seems if you test positive you're sent home to isolate until you get sick enough to need hospitalization. But there are other medications being used, and studied, with some success. I'm not talking about some new, exotic, drug designed for SARS2, the real group of the CCP Virus, but established drugs with long track records that have been safely used for many years. Ivermectin seems to have some possibilities in reducing the effects of the virus when given during early diagnosis, but no one, CDC, FDA, MSM or anyone, talks about the studies going on. Why is that? Maybe it's because it makes the CCP Virus less threatening. Maybe it's because the profit level isn't high enough for everyone involved, big pharma, the government and the bureaucrats that get a piece of the action. Beats me, but in this case ignorance isn't bliss.
There's not a lot of evidence (quantitative randomized trials) showing Ivermectin actually helps, but studies are underway that will give us data we need. I've heard good things and bad things about it. Here's an up to date, soberly written article on it:

The problem with buzzy medicines supported by anecdotal results is that suddenly people start demanding the drug and expecting it to work. The status of Ivermectin is that it's not blessed for COVID-19 use outside of trials, and if a doctor wants to prescribe it, they can use it off-label, but there's no reason to think it's a wonder drug.

That said, I'm a big proponent of using existing (available, cheap) drugs when they can be shown to work well enough to be worth the effort. Dexamethasone is an example, but it's usually helpful in more severe cases.

To the best of my knowledge, no medicine known is shown to be (via randomized trials) particularly useful in prophylactic COVID-19 management, aside from the usual things that support a healthy immune system.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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There's not a lot of evidence (quantitative randomized trials) showing Ivermectin actually helps, but studies are underway that will give us data we need. I've heard good things and bad things about it. Here's an up to date, soberly written article on it:

The problem with buzzy medicines supported by anecdotal results is that suddenly people start demanding the drug and expecting it to work. The status of Ivermectin is that it's not blessed for COVID-19 use outside of trials, and if a doctor wants to prescribe it, they can use it off-label, but there's no reason to think it's a wonder drug.

That said, I'm a big proponent of using existing (available, cheap) drugs when they can be shown to work well enough to be worth the effort. Dexamethasone is an example, but it's usually helpful in more severe cases.

To the best of my knowledge, no medicine known is shown to be (via randomized trials) particularly useful in prophylactic COVID-19 management, aside from the usual things that support a healthy immune system.
Double check your data, your bias, .. lots of crappy news people out there, and politicians .. from what I have seen numerous good reports on Ivermectin... see the video, follow the MDs which did the I-MATH protocol.