Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

On top of those listed issues no one wants to pay $15 for a fast food burger due to the liberals setting an outrageous minimum wage in the People's Republik of Kalifornian. Eff them all.

Surprised they didn't go the route most others have in CA (fast food, starbucks, grocery stores, etc...)
Kiosks / Self-checkout, fewer employees handling most of the tasks.
There are even a few Starbucks in LA where you can ONLY order on the app. No counter service, no bathroom. Order and pick up. Prices same as rest of them.
Ralph's and other grocery stores are like 6 self-service stations, a row of a few normal registers but only 1 or 2 cashiers out of maybe 12, then another 6 self-service on the other end. One employee runs back and forth to attend to issues. Security at the front of the store is near useless, since the laws let you steal less than $950 worth of stuff and the recent new proposal (maybe law, not sure if it passed yet) allows the thief to sue the store owner if he/she has been harmed in any way while in the process of pursuit.

Edit -- I'm not sure of the actual wording of the bill, but in essence, it limits a business from confronting shoplifters, so the end result is the same. Store owner coughs up $$$ to Gavin Gruesome in the form of a fine & is likely subject to being sued by the perpetrator since it is illegal.
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Always the victim. Built into the DNA and enforced from cradle to grave. Nothing but "blacklash" according to this group. I see the liberal plantation owners are doing a great job of keeping a certain segment on their plantation. Education and knowledge is the key to escaping their plantation if they could only get it from the liberal and woke school "educators".

The real joke is the people of Pennsylvania who voted him in.

These pukes, though I don't believe the value is 90 mil, much lest 90 thousand, need their knees and hands broken and put in jail for life. This is THE ONLY WAY to stop this childish, bullshit!

Thank gawd it's not Florida! Best of luck Arkansas.

MSN is disappointed they will not be able to report this story as it doesn't meet their requirements. Unless it the story is how a bunch of whiteys arrested a poor black man minding his own business.

Thank gawd it's not Florida! Best of luck Arkansas.

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Republik of Kalifornia doing what it can to rid itself of small and medium business ..

was told that you can not get a contractors license now without a bond .. going to kill a lot of new / independent business .. I was told this by an insurance business owner that officially moved from California to Nevada recently ..
( Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Florida, seem to be the hot places to escape to from what I was told .. )

LOL... The quicker that state goes down the shitter the better.. (No offense to some of our members stuck behind enemy lines)
No offense taken, and that has been my thought all along.

The corruption is just way too deep. No voting or anything of small magnitude is going to get us out of the mess. We really need an earthquake or something huge to wipe the state clean and take the politicians with it, then start over. You do know... Gavin Gruesome is Pelosi's nephew. And like many other areas in the country, heads of smaller departments, judges, etc... have long been bought and paid for by Soros and company. Voting is FUBAR. In 2018 for the mid-terms, Gruesome was losing to Cox. All off a sudden, "magically" between 2AM and 4AM Gruesome pulled it off. Does that sound familiar? Yeah.... these MF's have used CA (and prolly other areas) as testing stages before the big one in 2020. The odds of that happening in CA alone are slim. The odds of that happening in 2020 in 3 states simultaneously? You have a better chance of winning the Powerball AND getting struck by lightening at the same time.

Hate to say it, but we're f---d. Maybe worse in CA, but this crap has been spreading across the country (and world) faster than an STD.

That's why I don't bother with politics. Both sides are rigged and there's not a damn thing we can do about it unless the younger generation wants to grow a set of balls, but the Elite had that figured out and castrated them.
And the libs will keep voting for this shit show. Too dumb to understand cause and effect.