R0 / DS-2CD2x32 BrickfixV2 brick recovery and full upgrade tool - enhanced.

Hello evryone,

after speding 5 hours on my own I am frustrated (or to be honest angry. Angry about my stupidity, angry because of Hikvisions strange update policy).

So I would really appreciate any help I can get.

I have a DS-2CD2432F-IW camera. It is a grey market modell with CH in the serial number. Date on the sticker says 09/14
So when I tried to upgrade the UI was all chinese afterwards (which I did not know at this point).

So I have the camera (not bricked) at Firmware 5.2.0 build 140721 (taken from the ui)
On the sticker at the back of the camera it is also written that this cam was delivered with 5.2.0 build 140721

I can connect to the camera via my browser. it appears in the SADP tool.
However I am not able to flash a new firmware with internet explorer and the enabled active x element.
It is instantly displaying a ! in a orange trinangle framed by chinese symbols.

So yesterday I fould this fantastic article and thought to myselft: I will try to update it to the latest english firmware or at least revert it to english.

So I downloaded the necessary software.
I wired my Lenovo Tiny desktop to a standallone mikrotik switch and attached the camera on another port of that switch.
I set the IP to , Subnet, switched off the Wifi module, switched off the Windows Firewall for all networks and started the Hikvision TFTP Server.

It displayed [Date and Time] TFTP server[192.168.128] initialized.

I power cycled the camera and waited...
nothing was happening in the TFTP Server log.

After 15min I retied. No change.
In SADP the camera appeared with a 169.254... somewhat IP.
So I manually set the cameras IP to

connection was working via the browser.
Ping -t was working.
So I power cycled

Ping -t took longer than I would expect it to be able to ping the camera (40secs perhaps) but nothing happening in the TFTP server software.

So I changed the IP of my desktop to
and the camera to


So I tried it without the switch, direct link, also not working.

I gave up at that time.

This morning I took a server grade computer with a Intel NIC, another mikrotik switch (same model)

I repeated all the above steps (without switching off the wifi, because this board does not have any wifi) with exact the same result:
Nothing is appearing in the TFTP Server.

Any ideas?

As the camera is not bricked (in the common understanding) I think the serial console thing would not do any good right now.

Is there perhaps an option in the chinese UI that I need to enable first to get the ARP request from the CAM to the tftp server?
Or is this request just initialized when the cam can not boot?

I am so lost....

please help me
probably your camera is of the R0 series, and probably only the language resource was hacked
for this reason, the camera does not accept the European version of the firmware
check the possibility of downloading my service firmware via the web interface, find my posts above...
probably your camera is of the R0 series, and probably only the language resource was hacked
for this reason, the camera does not accept the European version of the firmware
check the possibility of downloading my service firmware via the web interface, find my posts above...
Will try to find your post. Thank you :-)
[QUOTE = "Glyxbringer, сообщение: 590419, участник: 132522"]
Постараюсь найти ваш пост. Спасибо:)

Thank you very much my friend, I just found the link, when you were so kind to post the link.
Sorry but I never had the opportunity to learn russian, so I will need a while to find the download link I think..

Edit Nr. 1: Got it... 3rd Link.... will try it now... fingers crossed..
Thank you again

Edit Nr. 2:
The firmware was accepted and is now being uploaded.

So you were right with your assumption that my cam is a camera of the R0 series
So I can not upgrade to the latest english firmware?
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[QUOTE = "Glyxbringer, сообщение: 590419, участник: 132522"]
Постараюсь найти ваш пост. Спасибо:)
Thank you very much for your help posting the link :)
Well it just seemed to be working. Screen greyed out for some seconds posting 0% and then is aborting 4.JPG5.JPG
Apparently the camera has the firmware of the R6 series

Not shure what that means and how this could have happened. I donwloaded and flashed the files with the name "Baseline Firmware_IPC_R0 series_En_V5.2.0 140721"
Is there a way I could confirm for us if it is R0 or R6?


You can make a reset with the button
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Perfect. Reset worked (Plugged out the cable, pressed the reset button, kept it pressed and inserted the power plug, and held the button for 25 more seconds)
Reset worked (IP was set to 169.254. whatever)
I set the IP back to
WebUI was accessible.
Tried to upgrade with your firmware.
Right now it is greyed out, seems to update but is stucked at 0% for 8 Minutes now.