Was expecting Andy to ship mine after the 20th, but I was surprised to get an email Monday saying it had shipped from Hong Kong, and that the expected delivery date would be today. It arrived this afternoon (amazing...2 days from HK!!) and my install went rather smoothly. Had issues with getting my phone connected to the doorbell wifi but after rebooting my phone it connected just fine. All seems to be working with the app, and I got it connected in to
Blue Iris just fine. Several observations and issues, however.
1) I wired the doorbell first, got it working, but noticed the buzz in my doorbell chime. Connected the chime kit, added the manual chime in the app, and now I get 10 dings on the in-house chime like others have seen. Any fix for this? New/better indoor chime, perhaps?
2) I've got condensation on the inside of the lens, so hopefully that'll go away in a day or two.
3) I need to make a spacer for the bracket to mount to so that the wiring has a better cavity to lie in. I can't push the wiring into the hole as it wasn't originally drilled much larger than the wiring diameter.
4) I'm used to cameras and logging in via web browser directly to the camera. Can't do this with this camera for some reason. I used the Config Tool to change framerate, but the options through it are minimal.
5) Is there an option to switch to corridor mode? Couldn't find that in the app or in the Config tool.
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