An update.
First I tried to manually update the camera to the latest firmware (
this one).This really screwed up the camera; after trying to update the firmware the information settings still showed the older firmware yet the whole UI was screwed up.
I then did a physical hard reset in the camera. (the little switch on the board). This also gave me the chance to clean the camera/area and to spray some anti-insect spray around the place.
(I wonder if that spray helps to keep the spider(webs) away...)
Some how, some way I managed to update the camera's firmware. I don't think this was the solution to my problems (see later in this post) but me updating the camera was bound to happen.
I'm not happy with the new firmware because it removed several key things I frequently used:
- double click in live view would turn the live view full screen; this does not work anymore.
- You had several buttons/settings in live view including switch on/off IVS rules; not there anymore.
- When in playback; I could easily download recordings to a MP4 file. Not there anymore; now only dav format.
To me, the *only*benefit of the new firmware is that the video seems to look a bit more vibrant/contrasty.
So if possible, I probably like the downgrade the firmware.
Then the NVR. I did a reset the only way I could find; in the NVR's UI somewhere under System-Default with al boxes checked apart from the "Storage" since I did not want to lose my recordings.
I'm not sure this helped the weird logins/logouts from the NVR since the last hour does still shows about 14 of those logs but I'm not entirely sure it that's the same old problem, or something relating to the fact that I'm still have to dial in all the settings (IVS etc.)
Also somewhere in the whole thing this afternoon; I deleted Pale Moon from my laptop (who knows; maybe the problem was in the browser) and reinstalled it again.
Now the video of the NVR is impossible to see. Pale Moon/NVR asks me to install the plugin which I try to do but nothing happens. Video of the camera is fine, but video of the NVR can't be seen.
Video from the NVR is also impossible to see in Chrome, Internet Explorer and Edge; whether it's because of plugins (that don't work) or the UI is completly screwed up.
So at this point; if I want to see recordings from the NVR I have to use the TV it's plugged into...
One more thing, my camera is connected to my network through a powerline adapter. Obviously not my prefered choice but running ethernet from my router or one of the switches is borderline impossible due the house layout, concrete floors and walls.
My powerline setup was working fine for several years, including my previous Hikvision dome, but when I plugged the powerline out and in, the live view improved tremendously. It's lag free and and live.
We'll see how long this continues to be.
Maybe since I used to only use the powerline connection sporadically for live view but now also 24/7 for recording to the NVR it became to much for the powerline setup.
We'll see if this creates problems in the future, maybe I just have to turn it off and on again from time to time...
Well, this post turned out waaaaaay longer than I planned for. Sorry.

Now I'll just have to dial all the settings in again in the camera and NVR...