Unplug the other cams and try again. Switches only give out so many wattage and your might be over the limit. Ports also go out. So try a few different power methods and see if it fires up. Should here the IR filter click and then take in dark location and see the IR red glow.
Try a 12VDC, 1 amp, wall wart and see if it powers up that way. I've got a 5442 that won't power from PoE but works fine with 12VDC. I'm wondering if they have a batch of bad PoE boards or something.
Sure, 1Amp is minimum output, 2AMPS will give you more headroom. As long as it's 12VDC, the barrel connector is the right size and the polarity is correct you're good to go.
Yes through Amazon though. I just shot him a conversation to see if I can get one by the weekend as my plan was to test a bunch over the weekend as don't have a lot of time during the week.
Ok I feel like a tool as I thought this was plug/play I have the config tool running and it sees the device but when I try to turn on DHCP it fails with password error
Ok so a few quick questions -
1 - What is the latest firmware for this device?
2 - A good suggestion place to look for settings to start with on the camera and tweak from there. I realize everyones setup is different but what's a good starting point?
Ok so a few quick questions -
1 - What is the latest firmware for this device?
2 - A good suggestion place to look for settings to start with on the camera and tweak from there. I realize everyones setup is different but what's a good starting point?
Hi Guys This firmware has been released for these models. SMD 3.0 fw. IPC-T3241T-ZAS https://www.amazon.com/Loryta-IPC-T3241T-ZAS-Vari-Focal-Eyeball-Network/dp/B082XR73CC/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=IPC-T3241T-ZAS&m=A329YQ83EBQGJF&qid=1635756337&s=merchant-items&sr=1-1 IPC-E3241F-AS-M...
Amazon says I bought this cam on NOvember 26th LOL,,,,I'll be damned if I can find where i put it! LOL
pretty soon I'll be able to hide my own Easter Eggs.
I've resorted to putting the camera models on screen from the camera interface. Saves me from wondering a lot. Somebody mentioned that in another thread, but I can't remember who to thank.