Review - TOP-201 Super Mini 720P HD IP-Cam (The Cheapest IP Cam So Far !!)

Hello and welcome.

Yes we can help.

This forum thread is about the IP Camera series from the manufacturer which your IP Camera is apart of.

At the link below, there are many tools as well as helpful instructions for setting up motion detection using Email and FTP for your IP Camera.!!)?p=19499&viewfull=1#post19499

Notes: There are also other instructions at the link above, which you may find helpful, for your IP Camera.

Not knowing what you have changed? You may wish to use the "Reset Utility" which can be found at the link above to start with factory defaults with the IP Camera. I say this because if you also follow the instructions for enabling motion detection using Email and/or FTP, also found at the above link. It should be smooth sailing to get motion detection working. Whereas if you made changes that conflict with those instructions, then those instructions might not work, because of those changes.


Many tanks Don

Before I found this forum I played around a bit with the Camera's GUI. I accidently used channel 1 for multiple tasks and that failed the motion detection. With CMS I managed to set the motion detection region in the camera what works very nice.

Maybe I can ask however another question. My home automation system works with Generic Foscam camera's. When I use a Wanscam or whatever I give an IP adress and port number and it works. Is this also possible with this camera? I tried several different camera's but my home automation system keeps telling me that the camera gives an un-expected answer.

The software developer from the automation system asked me for the URL of the vidwo stream. (MJPEG of RTSP/H.264) I allready found some but have no clue how to test them.
If there were any significant changes between versions, the could be a difference in the RSTP stream. Although I would be surprised if that were the case. I am interested to know if others have the same or different?[/QUOTE]

Actually I have the same version as phebous:

System version: V4.02.R12.00006510.10010.1303
Build date: 2014.8.4

But not in an "mini" IP camera. Mycamera is an outdoor cam with wifi, IR led's and IR cur filter. Strange!

I try to reset the admin password

So I login to telnet with
user root and password xmhdipc

I did # rm -rf mnt/mtd/Config/*....
but my admin password dind't change to blank/nothing.

How can I change the admin password?

Didn't reset all.
How can I change the admin password. I tried "passwd admin" doesn't work.

How can I reset the admin password

Sorry I just read post #450
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Does anyone have a link or can share the 2015-03-17 firmware?

General_HZXM_IPC_HI3518E_50H10L_S38_RT3070_V4.02.R 12.20150317_ALL.bin ?

When i click on , i see an even newer firmware which i dont want to upgrade to yet.
I just want to upgrade to 3/17 one where everyone so far doesnt seem to have a problem.

Hi Don, have you encountered an error with the IR Cut filter that is stuck? It seems that one of the cameras is stuck so that the grass now looks pink etc, whereas 2 days ago it was fine.
Regarding IR-CUT Filters - I've heard that giving the camera a good wack also works sometimes, but some common sense and judgement as to what a good wack is must be used of course. I would personally limit it to a good wack with the palm of my hand or tapping the camera with the handle of something like a screw driver. Like Don mentioned, the filter is an electromechanical unit. The electro part is 2 small electromagnets and the mechanical part is the movable tray with the filter that's spring loaded in such a way that it only has 2 stable positions, much like an on/off toggle switch only has 2 positions, either on or off. It takes very little force to cause the filter tray to switch positions which is done by pulsing one of the electromagnets on for a few millisec's to insert the filter and the other electromagnet to remove it. It also doesn't take much, like a spec of dirt, to jam things up and prevent the tray from switching positions and the idea behind all of the fixes mentioned is to help the filter switch positions and hopefully dislodge whatever is jamming things up. Besides tapping the filter, turning it on & off a few times sometimes types, but using a powerful magnet may do more harm than good as, like I said, it takes very little force to operate the filter and one could possibly magnetize some of the filter components enough to make it unusable.

I don't know if different filters are used for cameras with
different operating voltages are if the same filter is used in all cases, but the filters on some of my cameras have a much louder click when operated than others and this leads me to suspect that the same filter is used regardless of the opperating voltage. If so, this may be part of the problem as I tested some filters purchased on ebay to determine what voltage they may have been designed for and found that they would work with anything greater than about 2 volts, however they could barely be heard when operated with 2 to 3.3V and it would take very little extra friction to prevent them from working. However, with 5V a distinctive click could be heard and operation was much more positive. At higher voltages the click was even louder of course and the limiting factor as to the maximum safe operating voltage is basically the duration of the operating pulse (I tested up to 24V, but pulses longer than a few few msec would likely overheat the coils.)

I just bought my 4th Top-201 and for some reason I can't get it to work with Blue Iris. All the setting are correct but I'm getting - Error: 8000274d (refused; check IP address and port)0

There is no PW in the camera at present and the CMS software can connect to it just fine so the problem appears to be with BI.

Can anybody help?
Thank you so much, Don. Both my CMS and VMS are the newest versions from "Your" link. I will try the trick with the partition.

When things didn't work initially I used the other 3 I have working as a guide. I'm thinking maybe BI updates screwed something up. I have 2 new cameras and I can't get either one working in BI but both work just fine in CMS.
This is where I left it.



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Does anyone have a link or can share the 2015-03-17 firmware?

General_HZXM_IPC_HI3518E_50H10L_S38_RT3070_V4.02.R 12.20150317_ALL.bin ?

When i click on , i see an even newer firmware which i dont want to upgrade to yet.
I just want to upgrade to 3/17 one where everyone so far doesnt seem to have a problem.


Here you go :) (Click the download icon at the top to get the whole bin file).
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This is where I left it.

Ok, if there is no password set on the camera, set one, then enter it in blue iris and see if it helps.
If that doesnt work, try selecting the generic rtsp stream from the top of the list and using this for the path..make sure to change the admin and password but leave the underscore..
remove the "main" from params as well.